Royal Fractian Provincial Government Organization in Cabarchia | World Anvil
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Royal Fractian Provincial Government


  1. The Fractian Provincial Government is headed by the Lord Protector of Fractia
      who rules by consent of the King and with the advice of the Council of Lords and the Magistrate of Fractia
  3. The Lord Protector is chosen every Five years from the Lords of the Council of Lords, each in turn rules over a Lordship
  5. Fractia is made up of Seven Lordships and their Towns: (in decreasing order of Population)
    1. Mortera (Provincial Capital)
    3. Tamarica
    5. Kotoaiobriga (Royal Capital)
      • • Silabur
    7. Amaya
      • • Kamanon
    9. Sikeia
      • • Zizonti
      • • Æeius
    11. Port Salama
      • • Talltiu
      • • Nertobis
      • • Losa
    13. Ontonia
      • • Bouitos
      • • Tocæ
      • • Auznanto
    15. Cistonia
      • • Ires
    17. each Lordship is ruled by the Lord,   the Lord is a hereditary title appointed by the King in consultation with the Magistrate and The Royal Master Herald. Noble Families can however challenge the position of Lord Protector under special circumstances.
          each Lord presides over a bicameral legislature with an lower house styled the Assembly and an house styled the Senate.
          the Assembly is comprised of 21 Wardens and the Senate of 11 Consuls
    19. the Lord of Kotoaiobriga is styled Lord and Chamberlain of Kotoaiobriga in recognition of his status as Lord of the Royal Capital,   the Lord and Chamberlain is a Member of the Royal Household and may only be substituted by another member of the Royal Household.
    21. each Town is presided over by a Council made up of Freemen elected by popular vote every three years,   the council headed by the Chief in Council appointed from the Members of the Council by the Lord
    23. and by the Minor Prefect Appointed by the Provincial Magistrate.
    25. Each town government has jurisdiction only over local civil matters as defined by the Province's Constitution, All other matters fall under the Lordship's or the Supreme Council's Juridiction


Weaponry Limited production, usually high end precision and power parts for specialty weapons.

Technological Level


Agriculture & Industry


Stacked Greenhouses, GMO crops, mostly luxury foodstuffs



Few superconductor, mostly nano mechanical. 2d holographic vapour displays (volumetric display), keyboard trackball inputs.  


Mostly automated, large factories, little computing mostly mechanical automation, high end products and materials mostly, few basic items.



Mainly nuclear large commercial vessels. Small hovercraft (ferries etc), sail pleasure craft



Lack of advanced computing/ wireless interference hinder development. However chemistry highly refined. Mechanical and nanomehanical compensate. Other NuPoCells – thermo-electric powercell (210Po[84])

Trade & Transport


  LVL - Lightrail Vehicle
Four Levels:
LVLS- Underground - Cargo
LVLG- Ground Level - connexions between S and 4 lines
LVL4- Stations located on fourth level of residences and offices. main commute line inner and outer core
LVL11- Stations on Level eleven only serve commercial zones of the inner core
LVL23- very few LVL 23 stations exits mainly connect to mooring stations of AeroTravelers


Passenger Trains

Levitation is accomplished via High Temperature Super conductors chilled by liquid gases stored in vacuum tanks produced on-board and distributed to each car via special hoses over magnetized rails. Train’s propulsion system Nuclear scram-jet derivate. Rail magnetization stations located at specific intervals


Cargo Trains

Similar to passenger trains, however cargo trains run on enclosed tracks filled with low density/pressure gases (helium etc) and 6 tracks surround train. Nuclear ramjets.



Helium filled, solid body construction. High yield ion propulsion.


Personal vehicles

Cars/Buses/Light trucks/motorcycles Solid core(cells) open sided tires, nuclear propulsion cells,



  Wireless power transmission towers dot the outer cores and a larger transmitter is found in the inner core inside the Main EPhyMa Building. Older towers are powered by large combustion generators, newer ones are being transitioned to Lechium Plants



  Skyscrapers reach 80 stories in urban core, other urban areas 3/4 to 15 stories. Low density mainly large villas or estates. Steel and concrete construction. Infrastructure Electrical Nuclear, Wireless (disrupts wireless communications), outskirts poorly served



Well connected urban centres, limited wireless, strong print media presence,


High resistance Smooth cobble in urban areas (gridded roads). Asplhat in low density areas ( winding roads follow natural contour). Packed gravel, dirt in outskirts (no/low maintainance) Bridges: heavy masonry, large spans may have tied arch designs incorporated. Some doubledeckers. Rail Intercentres: Provide rail standard to all other connected territories. See trains above. Urban: Mostly elevated light rail, tracks at very limited subground, limited ground, 4th, 11th and very limited 23th levels.



Desalinisation near the coast. Air dehumidifying elsewhere, outskirts poorly served.

Knowledge, Work, Strength

Lords Commitee of Fractia Shield by boreal_paladin

Fractia Magistrate Shield by boreal_paladin
Geopolitical, Province
Alternative Names
Leader Title
Government System
Power Structure
Dependent territory
Economic System
Mixed economy
Legislative Body
Council of Lords
Judicial Body
Provincial Magistrate
Parent Organization
Official Languages
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories

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Character flag image: Fractia Coat of Arms by borreal_paladin

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