Brutalis Gergori's Rebellion
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Gergori's Rebellion

Civil action


The first uprising against EUS control of Mars

After 180 years of hard work, the first wave of Habdomes in the Mariner Valley was completed. The EUS now had plans to expand further, building a series of space stations throughout the asteroid belt and need skilled laborers to build them so and order was issued to bring terraformers and laborers from mars to the belt to begin this new project. but for nearly three generations, Mars had been home to these people and few wanted to abandon it so Earthborn humans could take it from them.   Led by the brave Gergori Mikhailov, the Martians locked down 35 Hab domes, barred their bulkheads and refused to leave. Communication between the Martians and the EUS fleet in orbit was tense. The EUS continuously threatening to bombard the surface, and Gregori egging them on to do it.   After 5 weeks, the Martian morale ultimately wore thin and Gregori was betrayed. Someone opened the airlocks and EUS marines flooded the facilities. Gregori's cohorts were arrested and sent to penal colonies on the moon, Gregori himself was deemed a traitor and a terrorist and executed without trial.   This event would be sighted as a justification for maintaining military presence in all EUS facilities.

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