Agatha Rosette Fluttergust Character in Broken Wonderland | World Anvil
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Agatha Rosette Fluttergust

Princess Agatha Rosette Fluttergust (a.k.a. Rosie Whirlwind)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Small, petite, slender

Facial Features

Dark blue freckles

Physical quirks

When she gets upset, her cloudy white hair turns dark gray and stormy

Special abilities

Her singing voice is so pretty that it can summon small woodland creatures and birds

Apparel & Accessories

Regal dresses and capes, usually in shades of pink and blue

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Agatha is the youngest child of King Caspian and Queen Eleanora of Maro and younger sister to Prince Conrad. She had a very good relationship with her brother for the first 18 years of her life, up until her parents' mysterious disappearance during a diplomatic mission. After his coronation, Conrad became increasingly distant, cold, and cruel, leading Agatha to believe that something was very wrong with her brother. She left home a few months after in order to search to help and magic, adopting the name Rosie Whirlwind to hide from her brother and his army.   She initially planned to escape via a portal (9th Level Gate) with her friend and lady-in-waiting, Cordelia. However, while trying to fight off guards who somehow found out about their plan, Cordelia pushed Agatha into the gate and closed it to give her a head start. She ended up in the Feywilds where she was aided by Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather. They helped her get back on track and sent her off to a ball in Kibur.

Gender Identity



Asexual biromantic (male preference)


As a princess, Agatha is very well educated in history, arcana, and etiquette, with a bit of political knowledge.


Princess of Maro, currently a freelance adventurer

Failures & Embarrassments

While escaping the palace, she was unable to save her friend Cordelia, who pushed her into the portal and stayed behind to give her a head start.

Mental Trauma

She has seen her brother do some terrible things, and even if she holds out hope for saving him and finding her parents, others don't share that optimism. She had her heart ripped out by Xander within a dream. She doesn't know what happened to Cordelia. She's seen Ville suffer. She made a bad deal with Azul (oops). She needs a break.

Intellectual Characteristics

She knows quite a lot about history, arcana, and politics, though she is reluctant to share this information in fear that people will ask how she knows these things.

Morality & Philosophy

Rosie believes that there can be good in everybody and is very optimistic and trusting because of this. In DND terms, she is Lawful Good.

Personality Characteristics


Rosie's main goal is to stop her corrupt brother from slowly killing the kingdom with his cruelty. She believes that something or someone has changed his personality and that he is not as in control as he appears, and wants to help save him and her kingdom.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Savvies: Singing Dueling Minor magic Dancing Gardening   Ineptitudes: Handling heavy weapons

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Magic Pie Flowers (especially roses) King Ville uwu <3   Dislikes: Dirt Portals Arrogance Apples


Prim and proper, as a princess should be


Contacts & Relations

Lady Cordelia Miarel (best friend, lady-in-waiting) King Ville (boyfriend uwu)   Flora (fairy friend from the Feywilds) Fauna (fairy friend from the Feywilds) Merryweather (fairy friend from the Feywilds)   Scarlett Ferguson (fellow party member) Freya (fellow party member) Phoebe Delos (fellow party member) Noir (fellow party member)

Family Ties

King Conrad Hyacinthe Fluttergust (older brother) King Caspian Fluttergust (father, MIA) Queen Eleanora Fluttergust (mother, MIA)

Religious Views

Follower of Persephone


Rosie is very polite and regal as per her training.


Rosie talks softly and sweetly.

Wealth & Financial state

As a princess, her family is quite wealthy, though as an adventurer, she has significantly less money on hand.

The runaway princess from the Kingdom of Maro, on a mission to save her people from her evil brother.

View Character Profile
Lawful Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Princess of Maro
Date of Birth
May 15th
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light Blue
Known Languages
Common, Primordial, Afela, Cronam

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