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Briounne The Dawn Anvil

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Briounne, the Dawn Anvil, was used by Tair Calon to create and shape the vastness of the stars, the heavens above and the world upon which he placed the sword seed. Tair Calon tore great chunks from the empty sky and hammered them into the lands of the world. Sparks flew from each strike and painted the stars across the vast darkness. They pulled burning ingots from the forge and beat them into a disk that they set in the sky to give light to the day. With lesser shards they crafted the mother moon and the child moon to give light in the night of the world. Each time they plunged materials into a cooling bath the water steamed and formed the clouds that gave rain to the world. From the finest materials, drawn from the deep earth, Tair Colan forged the four great swords gifting each to the four sword bearers the Forgeheart - Gefialgalon. To them Tair Calon gave charge and dominion over the whole of Briounne. Great conflict between the Forgeheart over who was first among the Gefialgalon left tears, deep channels, huge footprints and folded masses of earth on the face of Briounne. These were the birth of all the canyons, rivers, seas, oceans and mountains that mark the landscape of Briounne. In the end, none could best the others and they agreed that each of the sword bearers would rule for 100 days and then pass into sleep for 300 days, creating the cycles and seasons of the world. Tair Colan, using lesser elements that were left after the major creations, formed the beasts and the fauna of the world and the sword seed. In their final days of creation, they constructed a many spoked wheel around the sun. Into this creation Tair Colan retired to watch and nurture the world they had created. In time the sword seed grew and multiplied. They learned and became specialized in their functions and talents. From these changes grew the races of Briounne. Some of the sword seed touched the heart of the forge flame and were gifted with the ability to wield magic. The sword seed in all of their diversity and beauty spread across the face of Briounne. They learned to live in harmony in some places and in others the darkness of the Nether Reach, the dark between the stars, crept into the hearts of the sword seed making them hard and hateful. From these Nether Reach touched souls sprang war and conflict. Tair Calon, from a distance, works to place balance in the world, and yet their children still chafe and struggle against the light of the flame, the temper of the forge and the breath of the soul.

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