Aarakocra Species in Breavon | World Anvil
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The Aarakocra have a history of death and oppression. They are a species that survived in small clusters that were never strong enough to hold their lands. When strife came, they fled or were enslaved. That is until the Age of Heroes, when the Aarakocra managed to forge a cruel empire which gripped a large portion of the known world in its talons. Few today believe that such an empire existed.

Basic Information


As tall as a human, wings that span well over twice their height. The fingers on their human-like arms are tipped with sharp talons. Their feet are bird-like claws.

Biological Traits

Aarakocra are as varied as all avian life. There are semi-aquatic, tropical, arctic, nocturnal, and continental variations of the species.

Genetics and Reproduction

Infant aarakocra hatch out of large eggs after a 3 month incubation period.

Ecology and Habitats

Native to mountainous regions where the vertiginous landscapes provide the airborne aarakocra have the advantage over grounded species.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Carnivorous. The aarakocra are birds of prey, but with their intelligence and communal instincts are able to utilise group coordination and tool use. They are able to both hunt and farm.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

50 years
Average Height
1.5-1.7 metres, wingspan of 3-4 metres.
Average Weight
Average Physique

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