Ehben Species in Brandara | World Anvil
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Basic Information


Ehben Plant
by Morgan

Genetics and Reproduction

The unfertilized seeds of the Ehben are stored at the base of the female (red) tubes, covered by a waterproof skin until reproductive season during the Embers. In this season, the protective skin dries up and tears, shriveling to the sides to expose the ready seeds   Sexual reproduction (red) - Requires two sets of male instructions - Only sends out one set of the male instructions (blue) Can flood eggs (red) with secondary set of male instructions to reproduce asexually

Biological Cycle

Ehben Through the Seasons

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The liquid which is stored inside the base of the Ehben plant has properties as follows when drank:
  • Arouses the drinker and intensifies pleasure received from sexual acts
  • Increases blood pressure and improves circulation
  • Once it wears off, the drinker experiences a low during which they feel mild to moderate shame and an overall pessimistic outlook on the future
  When the base-liquid (sometimes called Ehben milk) is mixed with finely crushed pieces of both color tubes on the Ehben plant, the sexual effect and depressive after effect are both slightly suppressed (though still present), while the blood circulation benefits remain and, by some accounts, are even strengthened.
Scientific Name

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