The Eagle, the Raven, and The Spider Prose in Boscage 4 | World Anvil
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The Eagle, the Raven, and The Spider

Story Time With Miss Willa:

[Miss Willa speaking to children at story time]: This is a story I heard whilst on an archeological dig in the Devil's Teeth Mountain Range with professor Nimfoodler, which he believes has it's roots as far back as 4,000 years ago, when my people made planet fall on Boscage 4.
[Miss Willa in gruff Professor Nimfoodler voice]: "Drow Story: The eagle, the raven, and the spider: There once was a great Eagle that lorded it's might over the land, but was very greedy with it's knowledge, so the Raven stole it to spread it to the community. Eagle was very angry so he had his flock find Raven and they imprisoned him before he could spread the word. Thankfully spider was there to keep Raven company and started to weave the sounds into the web to pass on to her young. When her young hatched they learned to read the web and slowly started to spread it over Boscage 4, and that's how we have our stories today."


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