Brakkon the Bone Breaker Character in Boscage 4 | World Anvil
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Brakkon the Bone Breaker

Brakkon the Bone Breaker is a moderately powerful Gnomish god of Artifice and War, who is mostly worshiped by the kingdom and mercenary company known as The Sky Claws, but a few other Gnomes worship him around Boscage 4, such as the community of River's Bend.  
Domain Spells
Bless, Command
Create Food and Water, Glyph of Warding
Insect Plague, Raise Dead
Etherealness, Fire Storm
Mass Heal, True Resurrection
Bonus proficiencies at level 1
martial weapons, heavy armor
War machines
You are able to construct simple war machines like ballista, which still requires the gold in material costs to build.
2nd level Channel Divinity
You are able to swiftly adapt to the enemy, terrain, and weather which gives you the ability to give all within 30 feet that can hear you commands, which enables them to use their next action with advantage. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier (A minimum of once). You regain all expended uses after a long rest.
6th level Channel Divinity
You scream at your troops to redouble their efforts, and all friendly forces within 30 feet can make an extra dash, disengage, or move action this turn.
8th level Channel Divinity
You cause your attacks to be infused with force energy once on each of your turns, and you may choose to deal an extra 1D8 force damage to someone you successfully attack. At level 14 this damage is increased to 2D8 force damage
17th level Channel Divinity
You have resistance to one of the following {Bludgeoning, Piercing, Slashing} damage, even from magical weapons.

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