Oracle in Borderline World | World Anvil
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[Class][Supernatural][+Special Defense]
Prerequisites: Mystic Senses, Novice Perception
Effect: You gain the Forewarn Ability.
[+Special Defense]
Prerequisites: Oracle
Daily x3 – Extended Action
Effect: You may perform an Augury or Scrying.
Target: Self
Effect: The user has a vision, dream, or similar that may depict past, present, or future events. The clarity of the dream may vary, as well as the user’s ability to remember it. Check Core Page 187 for more details.
Target: An item you are touching, or your current location
Effect: You see visions of what has happened to the target over the last 24 hours. The images may be jumbled or unclear, to the discretion of your GM. Check Core Page 187 for more details.
  Unveiled Sight
[+Special Defense]
Prerequisites: Oracle
Effect: You gain the Darkvision capability, and you may see through Invisibility and Illusions. You are Immune to and ignore the effects of foes' Moves with the Illusion keyword, and these Moves may not be activated against you. You may target characters removed from the field due to Ghost Step, Phasing, or any Ghost-Type Move as if they were in the square from which they disappeared, and you ignore the effects of the Blender and Stealth Capabilities. Additionally, when you spend AP to increase an Accuracy roll, you gain a +2 bonus instead of +1(this bonus stacks with Instinctive Aptitude).
  Small Prophecies
[+Special Defense]
Prerequisites: Divination, Adept Perception
1 AP – Swift Action
Effect: Roll 1d20 and note the result. Until the end of your next turn, you may choose to replace a single d20 roll you or a willing ally makes with the noted result.
    Mark of Vision
[+Special Defense]
Prerequisites: Oracle, Adept Perception
Bind 1 AP – Extended Action
Target: A willing Trainer
Effect: You mark the target with a mystical power which allows you to close your eyes and focus to perceive the world with their senses from their perspective. You may Bind this Ability multiple times, each time on a different target, but you may only concentrate on one Mark of Vision at a time, and you may only have a number of Marks at one time equal to half your Perception Rank. A target may choose to end this effect at any time, or to deny you access to their senses temporarily without ending the effect entirely. You have a rough sense of how far away and in what direction marked targets are.
Two-Second Preview
[+Special Defense] [Gift]
Rank 1 Prerequisites: 2 Oracle Features, Adept Perception
Rank 2 Prerequisites: Prescience
Effect: Each Rank, you gain one of Dive or All-Seeing Eyes, and one of Hawkeye or Saw That Coming, even if you do not meet the prerequisites.
[+Special Defense]
Prerequisites: Unveiled Sight, Master Perception
Scene – Free Action
Trigger: You are hit by an attack
Effect: The attack instead misses.

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