The Rouge Fighters Organization in Blue Province | World Anvil
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The Rouge Fighters

The majority of Human Realm aimed not to start any conflict with the Automan Realm. The only exception was when a Domain got invaded and they were forced to fight and defend themselves. But the Battle Of Blood in SE 436 resulted in such enormous damage to resources and human lives that it sparked the hatred against The Superior, the leader of the automans. With the advancement in weaponry, many surviving victims who suffered great loss had suggested offensive tactics against The Superior but got denied. In SE 459, they founded The Rogue Fighters then stole foods, equipments and shuttles to go exile in their path to oppose The Superior. The Rogue Fighters were considered criminals and not allowed to return to their Domain.
Before they could lay their hands on The Superior, The Fighters had orchestrated many assaults on factories and warehouses to acquire resources. Their first achievement was in SE 473 when they infiltrated and stole valuable information from a data centre and leaked it to Human Realm. They received praises and criticisms for their action but nonetheless the information helped further human's development.
After a long planning, in SE 495, The Fighters made an attempt on The Superior but the operation failed, costing many Fighter's lives. The failure even let him learned about The Cloaking Tech of humans and found a way to counter it.
The Rouge Fighters found their new hope in SE 557, when they assisted an invaded Domain and saved many lives. The Unified Domains rewarded, made peace and kept in touch with them. The Fighters redesigned the shuttles with new resources and named it The Flying Fortress, the first aerial Domain. The fortress breathed new vigor in The Fighters in their quest to bring down The Superior.

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