Bighornian Ethnicity in Bloodmarsh Classic | World Anvil
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Bighornians are half-orks, or rather humans far toward the ugly end of the orkiness spectrum. In many places, many folk have a trace of ork blood in them, a faint mark of ancient intermarriage between orks and other subraces. The people of Bighornia just have a much bigger helping of that blood than normal. Though orks are now extinct, their legacy of strength and toughness persists in this subrace.   Known for their great fortitude, the bighornian tribes of the Bighornian Highlands form a stalwart northern guard for the people of Bloodmarsh, though this role is largely accidental. There is some tension between their confederation and the transplant peoples of the Crotch who crossed from the South. Nonetheless, throughout the course of The Taking, bighornians who joined the fight at the coast have left significant populations in all the southern cities, especially in Sutyr, where Rock-Breaking Day is celebrated by the entire populace by a kind of cultural osmosis.      


  Bighornians, though sometimes regarded as dull, are still known to take up almost any employment which society offers. Some even study wizardry, though often with limited success. Much more typical of the subrace is their penchant for druidic magic.    


  Long ago, the Daishe civilization flourished in Bighornia, north of the wide valleys of Bloodmarsh. There lived the latest surviving population of pure orks, alongside lowhuts and a now-unrepresented contingent of paracriminoids which has no pure modern descendants. Shortly after The Fell, when total war began between the humans and the Immortals, these three subraces were forced onto their heels as waves of elves, gnolls, and gnomes began to press in on their mountain home. The added pressure seems to have forced ever-increasing interbreeding, and when the Daishe were broken, the remaining vestige tribes were of thoroughly mixed stock. In the centuries since the Daishe fell, the isolation of these tribes in inland mountain forts has brought the mixing to completion.   The Bighornian Highlands historically have produced some of the most powerful druids ever to live. Their deeds are attested in the Bighornian Runestones, which are found in many secluded valleys of the North. With the transcription of the Runestones, many tribes have begun building up an impressive body of written (rock-graven) knowledge on nature magic in general, and it is considered that their druidic guilds approach the level of the wizarding ARSEs of the South in their magical progress.  


Bighornians retain a lot of cultural marks of their long exile in the North. Surrounded by ever-growing populations of Immortals, their tribes scraped a narrow existence on the rocky planes of the Highlands, ever-watchful for attack. They gained something of a distrust for open land, preferring narrow canyons or even caves for their homes. There is also a thread of uncommon restraint in their attitude, as their druidic leaders during their isolation gained them many allies among the animals of the North. Being so big, bighornians learn to be gentle with other subraces and creatures.  


  Subrace-level stereotypes normally hold bighornians as dull, rough, and crude, and also deride their supposed unwillingness to fight. Many people think them cowardly because of this reserve. People descended from immigrants from the West might also retain a little of the respect which their ancestors gave the early bighornian tribes which traveled south to aid with the coastal Taking. The reputation for stalwart resistance remains as a grudging subconscious respect. Because of this mix of disdain and awe, people sometimes have a hard time connecting with bighornians, as if they were creatures of legend.

Bighornian Racial Traits

Bighornians are well-rounded generalists in abilities thanks to the mixing of their disparate ancestors. They are allotted the following racial ability adjustments and perks:
  • -1 Int, +1 Str ability score adjustments.
  • +1 in each of 3 Ability scores of your choice. Sorry, you can't choose the same one more than once.
  • You may take a further -1 Int +1 Str ability adjustment if you choose. This stacks with the former increases. This represents very strong orkiness in your bloodline.
  • Nubby little horns and/or tusks if you want 'em.
  • +2 Racial bonus to Handle Animal, Know (nature), and Survival skill checks. These are always class skills for you.
  • The Toughness and Great Fortitude feats.
  • Diluted Rage.
  Key: Diluted Rage (Ex): Whenever a bighornian is openly angry, he suffers a -1 to his Int, Wis, and Cha abilities and a +1 to his Str and Con abilities. These temporary Racial bonuses stack with all other effects acting on the individual, and they go away when he cools off. The G.M. is allowed to chew out a player whose character becomes manic-depressive, and to negate claims of being sufficiently angry or calm by absolute fiat. Use this to improve your role-playing, not to minmax your skill checks.
Sample Bighornian
Sample Bighornian by Oogalook

Physical Characteristics

Average Height
Average Weight
215 lbs
Skin Colors
Beige to greyish or a little green
Eye Colors
Any, but normally dark
Average Lifespan
80 years

Preferred Classes

  Druid is a traditional profession for bighornians. They focus on nature as a resource and an ally against immortals and the enemies of their tribes.   Barbarian is a good fit, as the suppressed anger of the bighornian's inner ork is always there for them.   Ranger is the most popular employment for bighornians. They are at home in nature, and so can be great woodsmen or scouts.    

Naming Traditions

Names have a gutteral feel. Family names are all imaginative variations on a constant rock-breaking theme, hearkening back to the digging of underground strongholds during the War of Cons and Souls: Nognub Stonestriker, Gringroan Loesssmiter, Nilgool Agregatedismantler.
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Cover image: by Oogalook


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