Firbolg in Blood&Steel | World Anvil
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Firbolg, are half-giants with ties to the fey, often found living in secluded woodland tribes where they live in harmony with the woods. Their kind has been said to spring into existence when giantkin engaged in romance with the fey when the Veil did not separate their worlds like it does now. While nowadays this heritage has been dampened significantly and they are a seperate race their visage is still marked by this ancient bloodline. Long ears, wide noses, vibrant skin colors and patches of fur and not uncommon traits. Some even have antlers, horns or otherwise atop their heads, marking a deeper connection with the ancient fey. They are often found in elven forests, where both sides conduct trade with one another. Almost every firbolg learns a few spells, typically those used to mask their presence, and many go on to master nature or bardic magic. As guardians of the wood, few would dream of leaving their homes or attempting to fit into human society. Though some do leave either as outcasts, as orphans, slaves, send on a dream quest or because of a natural wanderlust to see more of nature's beauty.  

Creating a Firbolg

When creating a Firbolg consider where their home lies, if they are not a citizen of the Kingdom they can hail from secretive and hidden villages in any woodlands. Firbolg tribes prefer to remain out of sight and out of mind, especially when living in forests not inhabited by elves. Firbolgs use their magic to keep their presence in a forest secret. This approach allows them to avoid the politics and struggles of elves, humans, and orcs. Such events concern the firbolgs only when the events affect the forest. Culturally they have a deep and ancient oratory and musical tradition which they use to pass on their history to their newborns.

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