Brachten Geographic Location in Blomaria | World Anvil
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I've been to Brachten once, you know. I immediately regretted it, because it is cursed to be deadly for man. Brachten is frighteningly cold at night and searing hot during the day. It'd only be fools whose frozen corpses litter the inhospitable land of Brachten. And yet, we keep on going there.
Old man from Brasten towards his grandson
  Brachten is the most dangerous place in the entire world of Blomaria, with the most extreme temperature fluctuations known to man. Cursed by the Divine Braster and his Elemhorn , Brachten is subject to scorching days and freezing nights, all too excessive for any living being to survive. The longest a person could survive was 31 minutes, after which exhaustion came to him and he froze down immediately and completely.   The story goes that Braster played his Elemhorn too hard during the Divine Orchestra, causing Orchast to lose oversight on the band and causing Brachten's creation to go haywire. With Brachten being a complete failure where no one is able to live, Orchast punished Braster by making Braster's people from the country of Brasten have a dormant urge to visit and explore Brachten once in their lives, for they believe great wealth is hidden there. Throughout history, many people from Brasten have become victim of the unforgiving wastes that make up Brachten. All because of a dispute between two Divines.


An island filled with natural impurities, the landscape of Brachten is immensely strange to look at (if you'd survive, that is). Mountains are shaped in whatever shape they can, stones and pebbles are at the places you'd least expect them to be and the coast is formed with a drunken man's pencil, so they say.   Due to the incredibly varying and extreme weather conditions, scholars have a theory that Brachten harbors many pathways into the Elemental Planes that surround Blomaria. These are not locked in one place, but they appear whenever the weather becomes what fits one of those planes.

Fauna & Flora

So far, the area of Brachten is completely devoid of life. The weather circumstances are too extreme to permit any life to survive. However, that is what most people think. It has also been thought of that, due to so few people surviving the land to tell the tale, there actually can be life on the island. It just hasn't been found yet.
Alternative Name(s)
Island of Dead Compositions

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