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Blakkrfold The Dark Shores

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Blakkrfold, The dark shores. A land of large islands and dynamic terrain. Deep blue seas and azure skies. But all is lock in by the Death Fog that lies not more then a days journey out to the great sea. Its been just over 400 years that the death fog came into being, the results of the great Planes War   Now the races of Blakkrfold are rebuilding, even to this day. Though most of the great kingdoms are rebuilding, one is still bent on conquering the lands around them. The Xurian Empire, the land of the dead still spreads it deathly hand out to expand its boarders. Xurian Empire consistently pushes at the boarders of the Elotobia Empire and the Qeosan Dynasty trying to claim more land for the dead but they are being held at bay. Vast armies clash at the boarders and navel ship dance within the seas . But not all is as it seams, while there is peace its a strained as old rivalries start to stir. The Qeosan Dynasty and the Yuceagary Kingdom are experiencing small boarder skirmishes, but these could break out into all out war again if the Yuceagary see an opportunity. Mean while the other kingdoms, dynasty's, and empires though not at any active skirmishes, could start if the afford mentioned kingdoms decided to expand their areas of conflict.   But these are worries for King and Queens, for you a young and up coming adventure there are places to see, dungeons to delve, and ruins older then the Planer Wars. Explore a world that is steeped in adventure, find love with fellow adventures, or build you own kingdom to rule. All is possible in Blakkrfold.

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