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Blades of Valhalla A forged in the dark game of raiding and pillaging

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The year could be around 800 BC in what could be dark ages Europe.

Coming from the cold and barren northern lands, ships with a unusually long shape reach a new shore full of promises. A dozen of grim men disembark. In their homeland they are farmers, artisans and hunters. But they came as raiders. They came to plunder, to steal, probably kill in the process, and return home loaded with silver to feed their families and expand their holdings.

They expected resistance from the locals, of course. But they were prepared for that. What they didn’t expect was the supernatural forces awakening from a centuries old slumber, well decided to take back what is rightfully theirs.

Those who will be called Vikings will soon have to choose a side. Will they ally with the Saxons, in hope of securing a legitimate place for their brethren in the Greenland, or will they rather side with the unnatural forces spreading from the very memories of the soil ? Or will they just take as much as they and leave before the two factions crush them between the hammer of the old and anvil of the current ? Whatever their choice will be, their actions will shape the future of the Greenland.

Blades of Valhalla is a forged in the dark game, in which players will take up the roles of northmen raiding a darker shade of England. Although the game is inspired by the historical events of the Vikings invasions occurring during the 9th and 10th century, many supernatural aspects have been added.

As a Viking clan, the players will be able to plunder, massacre, defile holy places, and pillage… or choose a more peaceful path and become settlers, should they get accepted.
Back home they will improve their holdings, securing new titles and sworn warriors, maybe war with other settlements and expand their domain.

But in the end what every single one of them will seek the most is a glorious life and a bloody ending, thus winning a place in the everlasting halls of the gods, as Blades of Valhalla.

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