Desmerra Fossoway Character in Black Dragon Westeros | World Anvil
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Desmerra Fossoway

Lady Desmerra Fossoway

Desmerra Redwyne is the youngest of the Redwyne siblings being just a little girl when her mother past. She was a shy girl but was loud when she needed to be. A hobby of hers was collecting flowers and would stroll around the Arbor gardens for hours. After her fathers death her brother became the Lord of the Arbor and her ships and demanded to cease all operations until a winner was proclaimed. Soon after being left in Kingslanding by her brother as a royal ward she was betrothed to Ser Florian Fossoway, in a match arranged between her brother Lord Runceford Redwyne and Florian's uncle, Lord Cerion Fossoway. Desmerra's wedding happened in late 198 and was marked by Runceford's shocking announcement that he would renounce all claims of ownership of the Arbor, and naming Desmerra his heir.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lady of the Arbor.
Year of Birth
184 A.C 35 Years old
The Arbor
Long red hair

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