Davos Baratheon Character in Black Dragon Westeros | World Anvil
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Davos Baratheon

Lord Davos Baratheon

Lord davos Baratheon was born to lord Tommen Baratheon and lady Brienne Tarth in 157 AC he was trained a knight of House arryn he was knighted at a the age of 18 when he slaw a mountain tribe chief by striking his lightly armoured chest with a warhammer. He has a love of tourneys and jousts and feasts with the lulls of statesmen ship boring him. When the Great Blackfyre Rebellion  began he sat it out for reasons unknown to most, some say it was because he hated Aegon the 4th and Daeron for the actions involving house Toyne.
157 A.C 207 A.C 50 years old
Circumstances of Death
Impaled by a lance during a cavalry charge

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