Veritas Document in Between Man and Machine | World Anvil
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The effect of these works on officer attrition rates has been promising. Fewer go now, but those that do know the devious tricks the Neila play on our cognizance.
— Lieutenant Kayode
  The purpose of "Veritas" was to instruct new officers in the military of the Dominion of Man on the mechanisms of operation of the Neila and how to counter them. The document is thought to have dated to the later years of the first phase of the Solar War, constructed by one Lieutenant Kayode in literary form from interviews with several of the soldiers who were in the initial boarding wave of a battle-station on the asteroid 490 Veritas in the main belt.   "Veritas" was made as part of a larger compendium of "Know Your Enemy: Neila" first-hand accounts to better instruct commanders on how to counter this growing threat.
Manual, Military
Digital Recording, Text
Authoring Date
~2973 CE

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