Mwago Colony Settlement in Bernasha | World Anvil
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Mwago Colony (mwa-go)

The only asteroid belt in the system that has life on it. Mwago is another hub in Bernasha filled with lots of markets and trading, and a few slums. Every faction has a branch here (although most are small and run-down), but the asteroids are not as crowded as Minaw is. Thanks to the separation of the asteroids, factions are able to set up establishments here without fear of overlapping with others. The creation or, more specifically, the selling/buying/splicing together of spelljammer ships and their parts is done here. Pirates and others inclined toward roguish behavior like this colony because it's not so closely watched by Guiding Light, and it's been referred to as one of the most lawless places in Bernasha.   Those that live here have probably the hardest time in the entire system. With no way to grow crops and limited options for livestock, people have to rely on whatever the markets are selling or whatever the spelljammers bring to the belt. Mwago residents are viewed as some of the least desirable in the system, and there are certain groups that have monopolies over the distribution of food, so… The slums are definitely not anything anyone wants to visit.
Trade post

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