Ghost of the Sands Character in Beast Empire | World Anvil
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Ghost of the Sands

(a.k.a. Ghost of the Sands)

My guards were all dead, my vehicle disabled, with a dozen bandits on foot approaching me from all sides. Loaded my last bullet into my handgun and contemplated whether to go out in a blaze of glory, or take my own life.
Before I could make that decision, gunfire erupted all around me, screams echoed out in all directions. After a minute of noise all fell silent, no screams, no gunfire, no chatter. I poked my head out of my truck to see myself surrounded by bodies, with a silhouette clad in white on the dune above me. In the blink of an eye they were gone in a flash of sand.

On that day, I met the Ghost of the Sands.
— Last surviving trader of the Sandcat Caravan

Nobody knows who the Ghost of the Sands is, let alone what race they are. All that is known, they are the silent protector of the trade caravans near Oasis.

Caravans that fall under attack from bandits may find a mysterious gunman protecting them from above, striking them down with uncanny accuracy, then vanishing in a wave of sand before they can get a good look at them.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Possibly a Telekineticist, vanishes in a cloud of sand to escape

Apparel & Accessories

White cloak over sand color overcoat, sand color pants. Wears goggles and covers their mouth with a white bandana.

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