Draconian Ethnicity in Beast Empire | World Anvil
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Draconian life revolves around becoming the strongest, most decorated citizen possible.

Draconians are expected to know how to fight at a young age, warfare has always been a part of the life of a Dragon, whether it's expanding the Draconian Empire or during the city-state period before their unification.

This focus on warfare has also developed a bodybuilding culture, where Draconians will often boast, posture, and compare each other's muscle mass. Competition is a common part of life, many will take part in events to prove who is the strongest, the fastest, or the most skilled.

While the majority of Draconians are Dragons, any species can be a Draconian provided they live the lifestyle. While there will be some resentment towards non-Dragons in the Empire, this can be alleviated by displays of the Draconian physical values.


Military Culture

While there is no conscription, Draconians are socially expected to join the military in some form, or contribute to their nation's war machine.

Soldiers pray to Dominus before battle hoping to attain victory and glory, and strive to prove themselves and climb the ranks. Each rank is the equivalent of climbing the social ladder of the Draconian Empire, as military rank is the ultimate game of one-upsmanship.

Naming Traditions

Family names

Typically derived from the family's primarily worshipped Demon, examples include "Dominius", "Tyra", "Maxum"


Beauty Ideals

Draconians put a large emphasis on physical bulk and bodily sculpting, favoring those who are in peak physical condition.

Relationship Ideals

While typical relationships are heterosexual, homosexual relationships are not necessarily shunned.
Dominance is a favored trait to Draconians, while submissive gestures are frowned upon. This applies to both hetero and homosexual relationships, and is frequently pushed onto outsiders as well.
Encompassed species

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