Baconian Delights in Beast Empire | World Anvil
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Baconian Delights

Draconian culinary pursuits are defined by their use of use of meat, and no other establishment can compete with Baconian Delights.

Owned and operated by Ionia Valkra, a long family tradition of butchery and culinary arts surrounded her in her youth, and defined her techniques. After becoming of age, Ionia began selling her unique stylings on the streets of The Draconian City as a street vendor, and rapidly developed a following among the soldiers and nobles that frequented the city.

It is said that a customer once commented "this is the greatest baconian delight of the Draconian Empire!", and the name for her full establishment was born.

After the sacking of The Draconian City, Baconian Delights was reestablished in Sovereign, where it stands to this day serving the finest Draconian style dishes on the continent.

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