Hexagon of Chara Item in Batruus | World Anvil
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Hexagon of Chara

It is absurd to divide people into good and bad. People are either charming or tedious. - Oscar Wilde

Written by Wilkon

Holding this gem in your hand tingles your tongue.
GOD RELIC: YOU CAN ONLY HAVE THE BENEFIT OF ONE GOD RELIC AT A TIME UNLESS IT IS PLACED IN AN ITEM THAT ALLOWS IT. I.e The Fist of Mortals When held in hand you gain this benefit: +1 to all CHA-based skills. Once a month you can bestow a creature with a +2 bonus to Charisma to a maximum of 20. If used on a creature with a Charisma score under 10, the bonus is +5. This effect lasts for 1 hour.
When attuned or placed in an item that channels it (I.e The Fist of Mortals) you gain the following benefits:

  • +2 to your Charisma ability score to a maximum of 24
• You are considered proficient in all Charisma skills.
• Spells that use CHA as their spellcasting modifier get to re-roll ones once when calculating damage.
• One charisma skill of your choice gains expertise and your tongues colour turns silver


Shard of the Lesser Goddess of Charisma, Chara
Item type
Jewelry / Valuable
Very Rare
300 grams
30mm X 30mm X 14mm

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