The great Conquering Prose in Bator, The Raven's nest | World Anvil
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The great Conquering

Before the desert spread, before the forest bled, before the gods' tread, before those beyond fled, before those below fed. There was all

Long ago, the Phlogiston lay vast within our realm. The great sphere was not yet raised, so the worlds were but a speck of a vision none would wish to follow. But our world of Bator was not always within our realm.

Long before it was lit alight by the light of stars and nebulae, it was the subject of chaos beyond worlds within Limbo. Here, in this realm of pure chaos, resided our Mad Gods. Que'Tar the insatiable god of the Tarrasques, Baronie the bearing god of the Golinea, and Karles the spewing god of the diseased.

They, as they always have and always will, were on their rampage throughout Limbo, devouring, enduring, and infecting its residents with the most holy of devastations, keeping the chaos in check, ever engaged, and patrolling its borders to keep it from seeping out to Arborea and Pandemonium. Bator was their lair, a bastion of orderly dismay within a sea of chaotic anarchy.

However, our realm was, as all were and are, not to forever be within the grips of the Phlogiston. Our Sane Gods would soon arrive. The greatest sons of Chaos, the Slaad, had burrowed themselves through the realms of Element and Energy as tapeworms and begun flooding into the Material, which our Sane Gods could not allow.

Primus the All-knowing god of the Modrons, Krtsk the organizing god of the Tlincalli, and Sereté the mellowing god of the cured, would close in the beasts of Chaos and raise the Crystal Sphere from the no where to keep them in their parasitic taint. But, to fully close it off, our Sane Gods plucked Bator from the realm of Limbo and placed it within the taint, a plug for the hole, conquering the Chaos to create Order.

Our Mad Gods would none the less continue their rampage and return to their lair; but now, the blood from their wounds, the shells from their armor, and the pus from their disease would flow into our Realm; seeding the Chaos of life into the formerly dead world, but the Order would allow it to thrive without destroying our realm as the Slaad would.

Their blood, shells, and pus thrived. Becoming the magma, the plants, and the seas respectively. Their rampage would bring the beasts from the Beast-lands, the skies from Arborea, and the tunnels from Pandemonium with them.But the commands, the dreams, and the fears of our Sane gods would become the laws of nature, the will of civilization, and the form of the body. Their journeys towards and from our world would bring the function of Mechanus, the Hierarchy of the Nine Hells, and the norms of Arcadia.

Anything our Sane Gods considered harmful for Bator was thrown from our world; the monsters of the Abyss became the red world Sarl, the lights and fires from Ysgard became the Sun, the debris from Limbo the worlds of Sarte and Blas, the fears from Hades would become the black mist worlds of Donkerlucht and Mortol, and the blind optimism of Arborea became the diamond worlds of Kristalberg and Tellitto.

Our Mad Gods, instead, threw out that which would disturb their rest. The noisy warriors of Acheron became the storm clouds, the eroding winds of Mount-Celestia where send to move forever away from Bator and pull Bator further, and the far too clean cogs of Mechanus would run through the Realm, sometimes falling to Bator as streaks of light.

Lastly, our Mad Gods and our Sane Gods would together seed sapient life. Cleaners for our Mad Gods, and worshipers for our Sane Gods. Our Mad Gods created the Dragons, Trolls, Orcs, Golinea, and Halflings while our Sane Gods would create the Giants, humans, Tlincalli, Elves, Tritons, Tortles, and Kobolds.

We are their children, and they are our Lords

When making this story, i wanted to keep it simple. It is the commonly held origin story of Bator so i wanted it to remain ''biblical'' in a way. So kinda like how the old testament says ''In the beginning blah blah blah'' i didnt want this to be overly complicated. it is plenty, of course, but i didnt wanna riddle it with dates or characters.   As you, probably, saw i also took inspiration of other mythologies for how to write it. Not directly but in a way i took inspiration from Norse myth with a bit of Aztec. The Norse in how the bodies of deific characters become part of the world and the divide between groups of gods, though there arent dozens of Sane Gods and hundreds of Mad Gods, similar to how Odin and his brothers used the body of Ymir to make Midgard. This may be an obvious parallel, which it is, but i think it should still be mentioned as its something i quite like to be in it.   Then you have the divide between the Aesir and the Vanir. The Aesir are the more aggressive and natural gods, while the Vanir are lesser known and more fertility and wisdom gods of course, the distinction in character is more pronounced between the Sane Gods and the Mad gods than between the Vanir and Aesir but i still think they correspond nicely.   The Aztec came in the chaotic origin of the world. Just as how the world is made of Cipactli, which was once a monster that ate all the gods created so it was killed and became the world, this story is meant to sort of be like ''hey, our world is technically a part of Limbo and is also made up of a bunch of different, sometimes bad, things''. I also, sort off, drew inspiration of their belief in a form of rebirth that the world had gone through in their mythology where a different god would be a different sun each cycle which would inevitably end and have another god take hold of the position. It's not direct but the inspiration was there.


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