Bator Geographic Location in Bator, The Raven's nest | World Anvil
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Bator is a desert planet, with neither any major bodies of water nor any major areas of plant-growth left on its surface. It is a spherical, size E, world just about 12,750 kilometres in diameter. It used to have 6 surface continents, Sarat M'r, Marlo Set, Eret Hm, Orom Leg, Ulu Ref, and Trek Mak, and 3 Underdark continents, Heven Tretch, Machmah Pluct, and Ower Hog, but the Collision removed any meaningful borders between these leaving the entire world practically a single landmass, though divided into regions and individual deserts. What were once the surface continents of Bator are now no more than enormous plateaus scattered with ancient ruins and fossilized forests, while the oceans are vast vast plains and rolling hills filled with small mountains of coral, vast plummets, and uncountable remains of ancient animals.   All this is baked by the light of the sun, shining its golden glow onto the many villages and salt flats of the world, during the day and illuminated by the multi-color nebulae that rotate around it, their blue, green, and yellow shines revealing that which could once hide in the dark shadows of the night.   To summarize it all would be nigh impossible. Trying to fit the tragedy of the Sylvan wastes, the impregnable depths of the shadowmists, the ascendance and forgotten glory of the sky-bound city, the wealth of the mansion city, the unending knowledge of Librarian, the magnitude of Le mur des larmes, the fires of De Berg der Smeden, and so much more in one text would be both too large to read and be a disservice to the magnitude of all these various locations.

Fauna & Flora

Bator once had a thriving ecosystem of millions of different species, a large sum of which not actually recorded, all thriving in dozens of different biomes and ecosystems. However, now those are all vastly reduced.   Many species were literally wiped from the world by the Collision while others simply could never adapt to the new world. Most species of fish and amphibian died out entirely, while many species of lizard did amazing, all the while many birds simply got a new coat of feathers and most mammals had to completely overhaul the way they handled water and nutrients. Due to this, while many many species were erased and the entire food chain was rearranged and is being rearranged, the ecosystem did recover. Lizards and monstrosities have become the apex predators, birds and oozes are the majority of the cleaners of the world which feed on carrion and rotting plants, mammals have taken up the niche of high endurance nomadic herbivores that eat on hard plant matter with very few being predators that specialize to hunt their herbivorous brethren, and the last few insects and vermin of the planet have begun to specialize as ambush predators that create underground nests and holes for larger animals to fall into so they can eat them which disperses seeds and waste that fertilizes the ground.   Plants had to face a similar threat but adapted in strikingly different ways. Whereas animals had to adapt to either quickly devour one another to avoid starvation or to make the most of the sparse sources of nourishment they can feed on to prolong their own lives, plants on Bator adapted to a more altruistic strategy. While plant life is not very common, any patches of it are interconnected webs of roots and branches that exchange nutrients and water with one another to keep each other alive and share specialized tumble weeds where they each deliver their seeds in to spread them around the desert. Plants that don't make use of this strategy, such as the Vuurkegel bush instead make use of the extreme environments they reside in to spread their seeds around. The Vuurkegel, for example, grows cones similar to the pine tree and then produce various easily inflammable substances to burn themselves, having the hot air push their seeds around while opening up their cones which grow in its direct area. Non-domesticated flowering plants have grown entirely extinct, not having the pollinators required to spread their pollen around, with domesticated flowering plants relying on their farmers to seed them.


Bator has a long history, consisting of its own and the collective histories of its peoples.   The origins of the world are contested but the most widely accepted story is that the realm in which it resides was created by a group of gods known as the Sane Gods which took the planet of Bator from Limbo, which was the lair of a group of gods known as the Mad Gods which ravished Limbo. The two groups then shaped the world into what it is now. No one knows just how old the world truly is, mainly due to a lack of the required technology to do so, but the oldest historical records in the world, the tomes of Hariët, seem to date themselves to date the origins of the Hariët people, a tribe of an unknown species which lived on the Tarque Ut continent that wrote these tomes, to what would be around 15,000 B.C in the modern Batorian calendar.   After this age of historical ambiguity, what is known as the Era of the Sciences began. This era was defined by the rise of true civilization and historical recording on Bator, and was considered to have begun when the very first spell was cast. This spell is generally believed to have been a healing spell as large amounts of archaeological records date depictions of healing magic to be generally older than depictions of other magics. It is also understood that this was not neccesarily the first ''spell'' but instead the first advanced form of arcane manipulation. It is understood that many primitive rituals or incantations must have been cast that preluded this, but none were, likely, on the same level as modern spellcasting. This era was not one of great advanced machinery, incredible magic, or impressive philosophy as the name may suggest; instead it was an age where science first began to properly develop. There was enough food, living space, and leisure for people to diversify into many different fields of study. It was an age where the first ax, the first fireball, the first irrigation system, and the first hard material pot were created. It is also when the first law of Scientific study was written; ''Any science so advanced it exceeds the realm of the physical must be considered magical, whereas any magic so direct it has a physical process of causation and consequence must be considered scientific''.   The Era of the Sciences made way for the Era of the Gods. This period was defined by the rise of philosphy in the species of Bator. A greater quality of life so the people could spend their days in professions other than those needed for survival, they had time to think and discuss their ideas, paired with a great increase of communications between tribes and species, allowed for religions and philosophical fields of thought to gain traction beyond the bare essentials and the surface level ideas. In this ere, the first great philosopher, Marteran the 100 eyed, laid the basis for modern logic with the simple proclamation of ''That which can be seen by many, is fact, while that which can not be seen by any is mere fiction''.   This was followed by the Era of Nobility. The first large empires where founded, and what could be considered the first kings rose to power. The new technology of the Era of the Sciences and the philosophical advanced of the Era of the Gods allowed for vast connections of power and economical intermingling to occur and vast empires to stretch over Bator. This was the longest of the Eras up to this point, and many modern wannabe-kings and emperors attempt to trace their bloodline back to one of the dynasties from this Era to legitimize themselves. It was also the very last Era before the current one, ending with the Collision.   Finally, after the Era of Nobility and after the Collision, the Era of the Castle began. This is all time after the castle of the Raven's Loft collided with Bator, and is defined by the aftermath of this singular event.
Alternative Name(s)
The Raven's Nest
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Inhabiting Species
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