City of Meteli Settlement in Basal | World Anvil
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City of Meteli

The great City of Meteli is a sight to behold. Built within Orphan’s Gorge, this city is The Riverway’s county city. It is split into three different sections, the Upper Crust, the Center, and the Lower Crust.  

The Upper Crust

Home to many noblemen and women. This layer is the second most defended area, as the town watch are located here.  

The Center

Located here is the commercial district, where most trade occurs. Many citizens artisans and merchants make their way here to do business and to look for opportunity.  

The Lower Crust

This is where many people make their homes. It is the best guarded area due to it being the Gorge north and south entrances.


  • Humans 80%
  • Elves 20%


The City of Metili is governed by the Count of the Riverway. The Count themselves have a band of nobles who govern aspects of the city, ranging from military control to simple tax collectors.


Being built in a gorge allows for wondrous architecture. Many of the houses that hold nobility are etched into the the walls of the gorge and Upper Crust. Such engineering combined with waterfalls from the top of the city to power watermills makes for a sight to behold.
Alternative Name(s)
The City of The Riverway
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization

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