Remade Species in Bas-Lag | World Anvil
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Remade are a horribly exploited underclass of New Crobuzon, consisting of criminals forcefully modified by order of a Magister, usually in combination with a prison sentence. Occasionally, horses and other service animals, are Remade for greater speed or power.  


Most, but not all, Remade are forced into indentured servitude and slavery as a condition of their sentencing and modifications. However, some Remade, like the infamous Jack Half-A-Prayer, have used their remaking to their benefit, becoming vigilante heroes and styling themselves as "fReemade".  

Remaking in New Crobuzon

The Remade are usually, but not always, humans who are caught up in the criminal justice system and then forced to undergo a capricious and cruel alteration at the hands of New Crobuzon's bio-engineers.   In the punishment factories, the prisoners' bodies are horrifically altered, limbs and other body parts replaced with steam-powered machinery, heavy mechanical metal parts, or grafted together with human or animal components.  

Remaking in other contexts

In Armada, bio-engineer practitioners are willing to undo or mitigate the effects of New Crobuzon's Remaking for a reasonable sum, or even to perform the rare Remaking on request. Elsewhere in Bas-Lag, Remaking is almost unheard-of.  

Remade Templates

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