Nowe Ardanyan Settlement in Barsawia | World Anvil
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Nowe Ardanyan


Kamień (koszt jednorazowy 3 tyś.)
Węgiel drzewny -180
Zboże -80
Żywy inwentarz -30
Zniszczony Kasztel -20 Piekarz 250
Marius Mistrz Lokator -90 Suszarnia (piekarz), Honey cakes 165
Most i droga -20 Kupiec 170
Obóz robotników -25 Kuźnia i Zbrojmistrz 750
Obóz drwali -150 Stajnia i Siodlarz 245
Węgiel drzewny, Zboże,
Żywy inwentarz
-290 Karczma, browar, gry hazardowe,
Honey cakes, Miód pitny
Ule -60
  Zniszczony Kasztel
The basic “building” available from the beginning. This is where you can find Marius, the register, a bed and a chest for silver. Prerequisites: None.
Generates: Basic structure: -20 (-110) silver. (Marius -90).   Odbudowany Kasztel
This building can (in its basic form) become your headquarter. This building costs a lot and it requires a lot of money in order to function.
Prerequisites: 5,000 silver, Zniszczony Kasztel, Obóz drwali.
Generates: Basic structure: +4 citizens, -150 silver.   Rozbudowany Kasztel This upgrade for the Kasztel makes it even more comfortable.
Prerequisites: 9,000 silver, Odbudowany Kasztel, resources: stone.
Available upgrades: Alchemy Bench – 2000 silver, Herb Garden – 125 silver.
Generates: Basic structure: +5 citizens, -300 silver. Alchemy Bench: -5 silver. Herb Garden: -5 silver.   Kuźnia
The Forge offers two upgrades, but you can select only one of those.
Prerequisites: 2,000 silver, resources: charcoal.
Available upgrades: Swordsmith’s Tools – 500 silver or Armoursmith’s Tools – 500 silver.
Generates: Basic structure: +5 citizens, +500 silver. Swordsmith’s Tools: +250 silver or Armoursmith’s Tools: +250 silver.   Piekarz
Building a Bakery locks the possibility of building the Butchery.
Prerequisites: 1050 silver, resources: grain.
Available upgrades: Drying Shed – 125 silver.
Generates: Basic structure: +4 citizens, +250 silver. Drying Shed: +85 silver. Honey cakes: +80 silver (comes from beehives).
Provides: Honey Cakes for tavern +50 silver.   Butcher’s
Building a butchery will lock the possibility of building a bakery.
Prerequisites: 1050 silver, resources: livestock.
Available upgrades: Smoke House – 125 silver.
Generates: Basic structure: +3 citizens, +290 silver. Smoke House: +100 silver.
Provides: Meat for tavern +70 silver.   Stajnie
Prerequisites: 1250 silver, Forge, resources: grain.
Available upgrades: Saddler’s Equipment -500 silver.
Generates: Basic structure: +8 citizens, +140 silver. Saddler’s Equipment: +70 silver. Horseshoes from Forge: +35 silver.
Provides: Horses for merchant +120 silver.   Kupiec
This is one of the most important buildings You need resources to construct various buildings in your village.
Prerequisites: 1,000 silver, Most i droga.
Generates: Basic structure: +3 citizens, +50 silver. Cart horses: +120 silver.   Karczma
Prerequisites: 2,000 silver, resources: stone, grain.
Available upgrades: Brewery – 500 silver, Dice Games – 250 silver.
Generates: Basic structure: +15 citizens, +500 silver. Brewery: +300 silver. Dice Games: +200 silver. Meat banquet (Rzeźnik): +70 silver. Honey cakes (od Piekarza): +50 silver. Mead (z Uli): +100 silver.   Most i droga
Bridge and Road should be constructed shortly after starting – this is the only way to build Trader’s house.
Prerequisites: 1,000 silver, Zniszczony Kasztel, Obóz Drwali.
Generates: Basic structure: -20 silver.   Obóz drwali
Prerequisites: 625 silver, Obóz robotników.
Generates: Basic structure: +10 citizens, -150 silver. Woły (żywy inwentarz): +60 silver.
Prerequisites: 375 silver, Obóz drwali.
Generates: Basic structure: +2 citizens, -60 silver.
Provides: Honey for baker +80 silver, Honey for tavern +100 silver.   Obóz robotników
Generates: Basic structure: +7 citizens, -25 silver.  
1. Gates The gates are 10’ high. There is a grille set into the right-hand gate at dwarf eye level.   2a/2b. Guardhouses Each of these guardhouses holds three guard   3. Courtyard This open area is unroofed. The one notable feature here is the small well, from which fresh water can be drawn. A couple of buckets lie beside the stonewalled well. There is a large, old bloodstain on the eastern external wall of area 2a, and some human teeth lying below the bloodstain.   4. Armory The old armory has long been looted, and only a handful of rotted wooden staves and some halfsmashed furniture litter the once-beautiful room now. There is an iron-barred cage in the northeast corner, used as a holding cell for captured prisoners. Filthy, soiled, bloody straw litters the floor of the cage, and there are manacles bolted to the walls inside it. The cage is empty and currently unlocked.   5. Stables This building is in some disrepair and the wooden door is battered.   6. Lumber Stores Firewood and general debris litter this room, but with a lantern or other light source a path can be picked through to a trapdoor which is clearly visible at the far end of the room. This trapdoor opens up to reveal steps leading down to the dungeons below the keep; see below.   7. Stores Supplies of food (tubers, grain, etc.), ropes, oil (40 flasks in all), more firewood, and general equipment (canvas, spare boots, crowbars, etc.) are kept in this locked room. The DM may allow PCs to find various useful mundane items from this supply, at his or her discretion.   8. Grand Hall The old feast hall of the keep . The room is dominated by the fine dark wooden feasting table, in which the thieves have carved their nicknames (generally unpleasant), initials, and doodles. Otherwise, the fine tapestries and ornamental shields which once decorated the hall have long since been looted and sold; only the carved rafters remain to show the former grandeur of this place.   9a-e. Servant’s Rooms These chambers are dirty and unkempt, with soiled sheets and blankets littering crude beds, dirty clothes strewn about the place, and the like.   10. Kitchens Dirty and dishevelled, the kitchens boast a large hearth which also opens out into the smithy chamber (area 13). There is nothing of real interest or value here.   11. Watch Tower This ground floor chamber has a stone spiral staircase which leads up to area 12 and also down to area 22 in the dungeons.   12. Watch Platform Elevated some 30 feet above the keep itself, the floor of this aerial platform is not wholly sound.   13. Smithy An old anvil and braziers are the only signs that this very dusty and cobwebbed chamber was once used as a smithy A dwarf PC (or a PC with the Stonemasonry proficiency) can see that the stone ceiling was built some time after the walls of this chamber. The smithy was originally roofless for better air circulation, but the defensive weakness was considered too great and the room was covered with stone for protection against attack. Now it is abandoned and disused.   DUNGEONS Dungeon chambers have a ceiling height of 10’.   14. Landing This is where the PCs arrive if they descend via the stairs below the trapdoor in the lumber room (area 6). The steps descend some 20’ to the dungeons. There are clear footprints in the dust here, leading north.   15. Jail Guard   16. Cells Each of these cells has a sturdy, locked wooden door with a metal grill set at eye level. None has any occupant in the manacles which are bolted to the walls inside each cell. Searching the cells reveals nothing, apart from some dirt and old bloodstains and scratches on the walls. However, a successful Intelligence check reveals some faint scratches in 16c which are dwarven symbols for “orcs,” “evil + mage” “below,” and “Snag.”   17. Storeroom This is a general junk room, but lurking under the rubbish is a giant rat of exceptional size (nearly 18” long) which was chased in here and shut into the room.   18. Latrine Dump The circular pit carved into the floor of this room was used to deposit bodily wastes by the keep’s original occupants. Carrion Crawler:   19. Treasure Room   20a-c. Dorokor’s / Wizard’s Chambers This small suite of rooms housed the half-mad wizard who served the Beregard family at the keep. The main entrance door is gone. The rooms beyond (area 20a is a living chamber, area 20b a bedroom, area 20c a workroom/study). Wall hangings have rotted long beyond any hope of recognizing patterns or symbols on them.   21. Crypt . Skeletons are strewn around the place, as if bodies had been thrown around like rag dolls . The armor and weaponry of the soldiers is long rusted and useless   22. Landing This empty, dusty room is dominated by a spiral staircase connecting the dungeon with the watchtower (area 11).   23. Garlen Shrine   24. Rozad’s Chamber A secret door hides the lair from the rest of the dungeon.   25. Bedroom/Study This room was opulently and comfortably furnished and decorated. The piece de resistance is the priest’s four-poster bed, hung with silks and covered with fine silver fox and wolf pelts .
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