Jack Item in Barovia | World Anvil
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Jack (short for "Jack in the Box") is a mysterious necrotic magical artifact possessed by Mills Clearstrike. It is a human skull with a purple gem embedded in its forehead.  


Many years ago, Jack was given to the shopkeep Roman Clearstrike in the Material Plane. Roman bought the artifact off of a mysterious stranger, and quickly became ill after interacting with it. Before he died, he sealed the artifact in a box of holding. Jack then passed into Mills' possession.   Mills unknowingly carried Jack for years until she entered Barovia with the party. Upon passing through the gates, Jack began creating knocking sounds from inside the box. This continued for several nights. When Jack was eventually taken out of the box, he gained consciousness, screaming in fear and demanding the party put him back in the box. He has since remained silent, and his purpose and origins have yet to be discovered.  

Mechanics & Inner Workings



Unknown.             "Tatyana..."
Item type
Unique Artifact
5 lbs

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