Magn'us Rank/Title in Balendore | World Anvil
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The Magn'us are the absolute ruler(s) of the Pillars of Lacera and head the The High Council. Position is currently being held by The Golden One and The Silver One.


The qualifications for becoming the next Magn'us are that either they suffer a demise and the High Council decides who the replacement shall be or the widow(er) will appoint the role to whomever they see fit enough. In the case of no death, the role can only be appointed. You must be an Elf to hold the title of Magn'us as well.


The requirements to becoming Magn'us are simply, you must be an Elf, you must have spent at least a year outside the perimeter of the Pillars, and you must have survived a single life threatening moment.


You must be appointed to become Magn'us. Whether it be by the Widow(er), the High Council, or the living Magn'us.


Duties of the Magn'us are ensuring the Pilites are living organized and safe lives. The Magn'us must constantly make decisions that involve the advancement of the Empire.


The current Magn'us both spend more time in council meetings and judging cases than they sleep it seems.


The benefits to being the Magn'us are the highest accolades you could achieve. You are the sole or shared leaders of the Pillars of Lacera.

Accoutrements & Equipment

The Magn'us must wear rings equal to the amount of Golden Bands that are active, to a maximum of ten. When a Golden Band is disbanded the ring that symbolized them is melted down and the liquid metal is dispersed into molten molds of badges for the families of the lost. One for each head of household of each family.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

It is possible that the High Council can vote with majority vote to remove a single or both Magn'us.
Self proclaimed
Form of Address
Mastress or Master Opus
Equates to
Emperor or Empress
Source of Authority
The Architects
Length of Term
The length of a term as a Magn'us is until death or it is handed down intentionally.
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