Galdur Oxygen Material in Bailse | World Anvil
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Galdur Oxygen


Physical & Chemical Properties

Galdur oxygen has magic-boosting and energy-boosting properties but it also has apperance-shifting capabilities.   The change in appearance can be as small as a blue streak of hair, or it can be larger like an extra arm, or it can be as huge as changing into a dragon.   Only members of the Rose Group have the ability to change their appearance. Other beings would need to take tablets, medicines of balms brewed by members of the Rose Group.

Geology & Geography

This oxygen is only found in the Caves of Galdur. The word 'galdur' refers to magic. The caves are a magical place where beings can find leiry crystals.

History & Usage


Initally, galdur oxygen was only available to powerful and important historical figures. Scientists were afraid that the first breach of the caves (by Mihel Ruther) would cause the oxygen to leak out. Scientists tried to conserve it but through bribery and influence, powerful beings had the chance to experience the oxygen.   Eventually, they realised that the oxygen remained within the caves. The largest concentration was found within the caves themselves but around the caves in a four kilometer radius, the oxygen was present in small amounts. The oxygen became open to the public. It was a popular tourist location.   Then, the Oxygen Crisis happened, beings started falling ill and dying, scientists who were working in the caves for hours everyday died. This was also why many monarchs and important beings died. The caves were sealed off from everyone for their safety.   After a couple of decades, when the Oxygen Crisis wasn't a concern, new scientists went into the Caves of Galdur to investigate the oxygen. They took protective measures and all of them survived the ordeal. They discovered that the magical particles were too pure and they had to be ingested in small amounts to be safe. Galdur oxygen was carefully collected by scientists and was open to the public. The Caves of Galdur themselves are only open to scientists who are still experimenting and exploring.


Galdur oxygen was discovered by Mihel Ruther, who was an adventurer, he decided to explore the unconquered Caves of Galdur. He felt the presence of something magical because he felt his energy and magic increase.   Later, scientists Randy Bleare and Dr. Naina Shel went to do research on Ruther's 'It was a magic booster and it was everywhere, you won't believe it!'. They found out that the substance was a form of oxygen which was chemically bonded with magical particles. And when it was inhaled, the magical particles helped to boost the being's magical energy.   The team of scientists that went back into the caves after the Oxygen Crisis, was led by Kristy Laura.

Everyday use

Although galdur oxygen is used in everyday life, it is very dangerous so it is only used or consumed in small amounts.   One of the most common uses of galdur oxygen is in the fitness industry. Small amounts are put in energy drinks, protein bars and dissolvable tablets.   It is also used in the medicinal industry. Beings with magic-deficiency issues are often given tablets to help them. It can be found in many medicines and also in painkillers.


Elemental / Molecular
Extremely Important
Extremely Common
The being's favourite memory.
Boiling / Condensation Point
Melting / Freezing Point
1.53 g/L
Common State

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