Silver Shadowmoon Character in Azarea | World Anvil
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Silver Shadowmoon

Silver Shadowmoon (a.k.a. Silver)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Silver has a lithe build. He does have some small muscles but his "strength" lies in his agility and dexterity. He looks most like a young, immature, male tabaxi.

Body Features

Silver has a sparse mane due to his neutering early in life. He has a couple of small braids in it with trinkets woven into the plait. He wears strips of cloths wound around his forearms and calves.

Facial Features

Silver has green eyes and some dark striping on his face. He doesn't have the typical mane and beard of adult male tabaxi since he was neutered.

Physical quirks

Silver makes use of his Feline Agility at times - moving like a streak past his compatriots and enemies alike. Silver uses his tail to express his emotions.

Special abilities

Feline Agility

Apparel & Accessories

Silver wears simple clothes but he adorns them with some of his "shinies." He favors a worn green cloak with a hood.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Silver was abducted by a rival clan, neutered in early kittenhood (age 5), and held captive for six years. He was left in isolation for extended periods of time. He is naturally gregarious but has a high level of anxiety and can react in hysteria at times.   Due to his neutering, he never fully developed into a male and appears somewhat androgynous. He has a sparse and spiky mane. His voice is also higher than most males.   Silver watched and mimicked the martial arts moves his captors used in training their outrider army. He used the moves in his physical antics to keep his captors' attention, to avoid isolation, and to elicit social interactions. He added silly motions into the moves, falling and stumbling around as if he was drunk. As he got older, these silly antics, combined with Silver's simple speech, lulled his guards into a belief that Silver was "simple." His gentle nature and tolerance of the female's adornments of him allowed him to convince one of the young girls who brought him meals to set him free one night.   ************* Unknown by Silver   Silver is the son of Golden Fist, clan chief of the Thundering Waters clan.   He was abducted by a rival/warring clan, the Striking Vines clan. Their clan chief was Fury Screams in the Night - also referred to as "Fury Night." The action was taken to weaken the Thundering Waters clan as Silver was the young heir to the clan. Local prophecy referred to a "shining one born in the time of darkness" whose destiny was entwined with a period of "great upheaval." Fury Night was very superstitious and his shamans believed Silver could be that "shining one." They advised him to abduct the child and keep him close - so that his destiny would be of benefit to the Striking Vines clan.   It is unknown what attempts were made, if any, by the Thundering Waters clan to rescue Silver - or what his status in the clan would be if he were rediscovered. Silver could not remember where his home was located so he did not make attempts to find them.   Silver does not know the true history of his origin. Fury Night ensured that Silver was never told the whole truth of his lineage. He was allowed to keep his name as it gave nothing away of his clan or parentage. Silver knew he was a prisoner but was never told the reason why.   Silver is a member of the local ruling caste, however, because of his status as a self-imposed exile, it is unknown if any clan will recognize his status or caste.

Gender Identity

He does not consider himself particularly male or female. He is simply, Silver.


Silver was neutered at age 5. He will never be sexually mature or able to truly mate.


The shaman of the Striking Vines clan, Stillness of Breath, kept Silver close during different periods in his childhood. He did not provide Silver with any formal education. However, he was the type who had to show off his knowledge and learning so he "taught" Silver many things just by constantly talking when Silver was around. When the shaman was traveling or overly busy, Silver was left in a small hut in complete isolation. Food was brought to him and he was provided water for basic hygiene, but days could go by without Silver seeing or talking to another living creature.   The clan's primary shaman, Stillness of Breath, did frequently repeat the following prophecy in Silver's hearing - so Silver learned it.   **Prophecy of the Shining One**
"and in the Time of Darkness,
is born the Shining One;
and thus the Age of Power and Might,
and Rulers become undone."

(It is important to note, that Silver's recitation of the prophecy is slightly altered from the original)

"and in the time of dark,
is born the shiny one,
and in the age of power and might,
the ruler is undone"
  ===   While with the trading caravans, Kasziver taught Silver to read simple common. He also taught Silver to understand and speak full common, undercommon, and Elvish. He believed it would help Silver function more fully as an independent adult one day. He tried very hard to teach Silver common customs and manners.   Despite Kasziver's education, Silver cannot read anything complicated or complex. He does not have a strong grasp of grammar or syntax. The deficits he suffered in childhood impede Silver from learning quickly or easily.   ==
Jula taught Silver about baking. He is able to create very simple baked goods - including his favorite - pie!


Silver came upon a trade caravan a couple of months after escaping from the Striking Vines clan territory. Desperate for social interaction and wanting a sense of belonging, Silver first entertained the guards with his martial arts moves. He got them laughing, then offered to be helpful to them during watch. He would patrol the woods at night as extra eyes during their watch. This earned their trust. They invited him into camp one evening and introduced him to Potter and Jula - the leaders of the caravan.   Potter and Jula recognized that Silver was very young to be out on his own. They had some dealings with Tabaxi clans and when he shared his story of escape with them in their wagon, privately one evening, they knew he could not return safely until he was older, stronger, and had a better understanding of the world. They agreed to let him work his way into being a full member the caravan first by doing small menial jobs for the group like collecting firewood, disposing of refuse, and packing crates.   Silver's became a favorite with the younger members of the caravan. They enjoyed sparring with him and having him teach his "drunken" moves. One of the caravan guards, Korvan, trained Silver to use a quarterstaff and daggers (for when his natural claws were not enough).   Silver's penchant for picking up shinies got him into some trouble within the caravan. Potter was approached by several merchants from the town they were camped outside of - they accused Silver of stealing from them. Potter confronted Silver and Silver eagerly showed him the gems he had lifted - "because they were shiny."   An elderly gnome, Kasziver, stepped forward and offered to take responsibility for Silver's actions. He was a jeweler. He compensated the merchants for the gems and taught Silver how to work gemstones and other items into fine jewelry. Silver was never formally apprenticed, but he does know how to craft items into workable jewelry. He does not know how to assess gems for worth, value, quality, or even the specific names of the "shinies" he finds.   Silver left the caravan approximately 6 months ago. Kasziver died and his nephew took over his duties within the caravan. Potter and Jula offered to let Silver continue with the caravan, but Silver desired to seek adventure. He harbors the hope of one day finding his clan and bringing honor to them by making a name for himself.

Failures & Embarrassments

Silver was teased mercilessly by the Striking Vine clan for being a "gib." The males ("toms") would tease him that he would never bed a female ("molly") and the females would tease him by tying ribbons on his tail and mane. Silver enjoyed the attention from the females and liked the adornments they created for him. He befriended several mollies by encouraging their attention and showing off his adornments.

Mental Trauma

Silver was held captive from the age of 5 until the age of 11 years.   He was not physically mistreated per se, but was castrated, held in isolation, and taunted. He does not remember the castration (thankfully) but he does remember the fear and anguish of being taken, held against his will, and taunts.   He has anxiety around very powerful/forceful personalities and will sometimes get very quiet and still. He can react to stressful situations with hysteria at times and if he is ever held or taken captive - he is likely to react very badly - full claws and speed to escape.

Intellectual Characteristics

Silver is intelligent and shows a surprising amount of wisdom at times, but lacks in proper social etiquette. He will pickpocket and take things that he finds interesting - without malice. He will make gifts of incredibly valuable gems (shinies) without a second thought. A thing's worth is measured in whether or not Silver finds it interesting, pretty, or intriguing.   Silver can be very insightful about people's motivations when he is paying attention. Other times, Silver can fall asleep in the middle of "important" conversations or planning.

Morality & Philosophy

Silver has a good and kind heart. He will help those in need. He will work to do whatever the "right thing" is in HIS mind. He is unaware of and oblivious to some rules/laws/social etiquette.

Personality Characteristics


Silver knew he could not return back to his clan. The teasing he endured from his captors convinced him that he would only be a joke to his own clan as well.... Unless... unless he could find something EPIC! He could find a grand treasure! He could become a legendary adventurer and then his name would strike pride into the heart of his clan members and they would welcome him home with open arms.   So thus, Silver finds himself in search of adventure, treasure, and to be part of an epic story.

Likes & Dislikes

Silver LOVES sweets and will order them and ask for them and has even been known to steal them when the opportunity arises. He mostly orders milk or cream with breakfast but will drink ale as well. His favorite drink is mead! He will eat most offered foods - but he prefers meats, eggs, and dairy/cheese.   Desserts: Tarts, cakes, cookies, custards, fritters, pudding, honey   **Silver gained his loves of sweets from Jula. Jula and Potter were the de facto heads of the caravan. They were humans, but the biggest humans Silver had ever seen. It is rumored that they may have orc or half orc relations in their family tree. Potter, like his name implied, made pottery. Jula loved to bake and had Potter create her a oven in their wagon so she could provide the caravan with baked goods when they stopped. It was an ingenious contraption that was fully vented and insulated so their wagon did not catch fire. Silver learned about pastries, pies, and all manner of sweet foods. Silver fell in love with all things sweet and Jula took a liking to Silver's enthusiasm.

Vices & Personality flaws

Silver is a people pleaser - he wants others to like him.

Personality Quirks

Silver is quite quirky in his view of the world due to his history of isolation. He tends to talk to himself and refer to himself in third person, even in the company of others.   Silver is a bit of a kleptomaniac - picking up any item that catches his curiosity and attention. He will usually return the item if possible and has no ill intent of actual theft. He just wants to learn all he can about the new shiny.


Silver is rather fastidious. He likes for his fur to be clean and neatly groomed. He is comfortable sleeping in the wild but he will take any available opportunity to refresh and tidy himself. Silver likes water and enjoys baths.


Contacts & Relations

Silver has no contact with his family or clan of origin.   He has memories of his mother - who told him how he was named and that he was special. His fur coloring was abnormal - almost similar to an albino. She was a golden colored feline with similar black markings on her as Silver has. He does not remember his father or any other family members.

Family Ties

The only family Silver has known was the gnome, Kasziver, who was the closest thing to a father figure Silver had. Kasziver recently died.

Religious Views

Silver does not have a formal religion.   The shaman in the Striking Vines clan taught him that the stars are the "eyes of the old gods" watching over creation.   Silver also reveres the moon. His name is derived from the phases of the moon at his birth and naming day. He was born during the "shadow moon" or new moon and was named on the "silver moon" or full moon.

Social Aptitude

Silver is somewhat obtuse in social situations.   He was held captive and while he was not physically abused, he was not educated or allowed to socialize normally within the Striking Vines clan. Silver was kept mostly isolated. The clan children would tease him when other adults were not around, as well as some of the clan hunters.   Silver was a trophy for the Striking Vines clan. A possession to be paraded about during celebrations and a status symbol of their victory over the Thundering Waters clan.   Silver is very curious, has a kind heart, and is social/friendly. He will get very quiet in situations where he feels unsure and can trend towards hysterics if he gets very nervous or upset. He has "grown up" a lot and is better able to manage his emotions than a few years ago. He still gets very excitable and will act impulsively at times.

Hobbies & Pets

Silver collects "shinies" and is proficient with jewelers' tools. He likes to craft his found objects into jewelry to adorn his hair, clothing, body, and to give to people.


Silver speaks in third person sometimes. He speaks rather simply. Silver will mutter and talk to himself, even when others are present.

Silver is a social and impulsive character. He sometimes does and says things others would find odd. He has a good heart and is fascinated by new things - especially "shinies."

Current Location
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Chaotic Good
Thundering Waters, Western Holdings
Neutered male
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Silver fur with black stripes
5' 5"
Known Languages
Common, Undercommon, Elvish   Silver can read simple common words. He can understand and speak some undercommon and some elvish.   Silver was taught mostly by Kasziver the gnome, but was also encouraged by other members of the caravan to practice his languages and reading. Silver never fully grasped reading on a significant level - he cannot read a book, but can read simple signs and most simple words. He cannot understand complicated Elvish but can converse simply.

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Gringold 5

Silver and friends got attacked by miners. It was sad because they wanted friends not to take gold - but Echo friend already said clearly "no touching and no taking." Funny, but Kasziver used to tell Silver the same thing! I wonder if Kasziver and Echo friend knew one another? We went into more tunnels and found spider eggs. Silver doesn't really like spiders. They tickle Silver's fur. Z touched the spider web and Weezil said the spider knew we were there. Weezil also said the spider was really really big. Echo kept saying it was not good and we should leave. We found another room but Grim wouldn't let us in. Then we went back to the room where we had a fight and Grim sent Silver to Kazandro with a note. Silver ran really fast to town and back. Weezil went back to town with a note too and came back with a leather tube. Echo made us all leave and then there was a boom.

Gringold 4

Silver met dwarf lady Frina! She is magic and scary. She made a big dog monster appear and Silver jumped right through it! She is definitely magic. She has a sword that talks - Reginald the Fantastic! Silver wanted to talk to Reginald but Frina lady said no. Reginald made cheering noises when Silver called anyway. Frina lady wears lots of shinies like Silver does! Silver likes Frina. Frina has no clan. Silver has no clan. Silver understands.   Echo lady cut her arm open and the insides were shiny! Silver has never had a friend with shiny insides before.   Silver and friends went to the Gringold mine. It was very dark. Someone put water on all the torches. We walked around in the dark for a while, then found a big room with a big door! Silver wonders what's behind the door.      

Gringold 2

Silver forgot that pie could be not sweet! Orange tiefling bartender makes very good not sweet pie. Silver misses Jula's pies. Jula made the best sweet foods.   Orc lady Netiry shared pie and drink with Silver and friends. Silver got a green shiny, a red shiny, and two silver shinies! Orc lady seemed mad, then sad, then laughed ... Silver is confused. Orc lady acts like enemy, then like friend. Maybe she is confused. Blue friend likes to fight. Maybe she is confused too. She and goblin friend got into a fight but are ok. Silver is glad they did not get captured by the army. Silver would have to free them and Silver is still a little afraid.   Hooded lady is elf lady and she is very old. She is 1500 years old. That is older than Silver can dream. She looks very young. Elf lady seems sad and confused sometimes too. The world is very old. It must have a lot of memories. Silver thinks elf lady has lots of memories too.

Gringold 3

Orc friend Grim went to talk to Orc lady Netiry. When Grim comes back, goblin friend Weezil is with him! Silver did not even see Weezil leave! Silver was helping elf lady make the town safe. Orc lady Netiry came back to town too. Silver had a lovely nap by the fireplace. Silver had a dream about dwarves and a castle and shinies.   Orc lady Netiry and Mayor tiefling had a fight and she killed him. Big lady Leadra was sad. She threw a whole bag of shinies on his funeral fire. Silver contributed green shiny. Orc lady contributed some hair. Silver watched the shinies burn. They were pretty.   Silver thinks the town is leaving. It is very confusing. Silver is not sure if there will be fighting or leaving or both... but Silver will stay with new friends. Silver heard talk of death and armies and Silver doesn't like those.  


Silver came to Gringold last night. Silver heard stories of bandits and treasure and Silver thought "Adventure!" Silver sat by the fire in the Inn. Large lady and two orange tieflings talk about someone called Netiry that threatens town and people.   Silver noticed other people come in and hear talk - very big firbolg, orc man, kenku bird, blue tiefling, and hooded lady. Mayor tiefling offer them bag of shinies to protect town!! Adventure! Silver followed them and NEW FRIENDS! Silver thinks the blue one was surprised Silver followed her. Found new goblin friend in woods. Silver has so many new friends! Silver must remember that shinies that belong to friends should stay with friends.   New friends went into the woods and there was death. There was an army. Silver stayed far away from the army. Orc man was very upset, as was firbolg friend - there were dead people on trees. Silver is not very strong but helped put wood in a pile. Goblin friend can turn into different animals! Silver has never had a goblin friend who could be animals! Silver wonders if goblin can become Tabaxi? Goblin friend has a rat friend - rat may not like if goblin becomes cat.   Silver is glad to have friends. Silver hopes friends don't go near army. Silver does not like army.