Prince Diederick of Elyaria Character in Avrissa | World Anvil
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Prince Diederick of Elyaria

Prince Diederick Malikai Taliesian Nikander (a.k.a. Derick)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Eventually becomes underweight due to lack of food and living on the run.

Body Features

Tan skin from combat training outside.

Identifying Characteristics

Royal brand on his ribs, marking him as the next Elyarian King(Oleander can't even get that brand).

Physical quirks

Right handed, sloppy handwriting

Apparel & Accessories

Father's seal and wedding ring on chain around his neck.

Specialized Equipment

Axia and Alitair "liberate" him a broad sword from a group of drunk men at a pub while they're hiding in a town.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Diederick is the fourteen year old prince of Elyaria. His uncle Oleander is the regent of Elyaria until his sixteeth birthday. Diederick is kidnapped by a group of mercenaries who are hired to kill him, but he escapes with the help of Axia Baldwin, a teenage girl living on the streets of Armstead. Derick elects not to tell Axia he is a prince and instead allows her to believe he is a noble man's son. After they escape Armstead, they meet Naji and Alitair, who assist them in running from the mercenaries.

Gender Identity





Privately tutored for most of his childhood.

Personality Characteristics


Wishes to end the war between Chyr and Elyaria and become a good king.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Not a morning person. Skilled at diplomacy. Has a basic knowledge of most weapons.


Contacts & Relations

Axia Baldwin, Alitair Ward, Naji

Family Ties

Nikander Family Oleander Bedford

Wealth & Financial state

The wealth of the Kingdom of Elyaria by right belongs to Diederick.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Prince Diederick Malikai Taliesian Nikander of Elyaria
Kingdom of Elyaria
Dark brown, wide
Blond, wavy
80 lbs
Known Languages
Elyarian native language, Chyr native language, Amar'an native language, mother's native language
Ruled Locations

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