Astaenedia Geographic Location in Avis | World Anvil
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The previous capital and monument to the glory of the Astaenedian Empire, this city was known to be a paradise and praised to be the best place to live on the continent. A strong economy, high military status, well educated people in literature and science and a plentiful supply of food, Astaenedia was the prime place to spend your life in. This "paradise" was a false hope to the empire's people, one that didn't last. Five years ago, flames soured through the city streets, incinerating people to ash and burning buildings to the ground as the Lord of Fire, Zaynaeriorth conquered this "Paradise" for himself. Many fled this city in terror but many did not make it. Those that did, migrated to the southern towns or cities of the empire with a traumatic memory engrained in them. This city remains broken and partly untouched by the empire, leaving behind a ruin of ash. Scavengers, thieves and adventuring parties ventured to these ruins in search of treasure with the new knowledge of the dragon's disappearance. Now a wasteland for vultures to prey upon, the ruins are now a painful memory for the Empire to remember for all time. The gods followed here were from the Branch, Root and Leaf pantheons and the god that was previously worshipped the most was Doeyar. Being from this city origin grants you the following benefits
  • +1 to any ability score
  • 1 extra learned language
  • 1 benefit from a town/city that you migrated to after the fall of Astaenedia.

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