Mick Zeeb Character in Aventyr | World Anvil
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Mick Zeeb

"Where to start with this guy. I mean, he's done everything, right? Ran a zombie science facility called Research Base 66. Then he turned himself into a construct and threw himself an ostentatious funeral, rebranding himself as AGENT ULTRAMARINE! THEN he stole Rowan's spark of divinity. THEEEEEEEN he kidnapped Babaduke "Gembo" Gemkind and tortured him in a Garlish Temple after having stolen his ascension. Then he died. And you'd think that was the end of the story, but it's not. Because then he was resurrected by Babaduke "Gembo" Gemkind and made the god of Evil, Avarice, and Tyranny... So... Yeah." - from the annals of time.

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