Sky Bison Species in Avatar World | World Anvil
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Sky Bison
The sky bison, also known as flying bison and air bison, is a huge flying creature with six legs. Despite its enormous size and strength, the bison is able to float in the air effortlessly. The sky bison is a fairly intelligent creature, and is able to be trained as a creature capable of carrying people over long distances very quickly. The sky bison lives in the air temples along with the Air Nomads, some bison also live in the Republic of Drosie, tended to on an island by the Bhanti Tribe.   They are highly respected by the Air Nomads, who regard them as the first airbenders. While airbenders are in training, they each receive a flying bison to become their lifelong companion. The sky bison is believed to be the only way in which people can reach certain air temples.

Basic Information


Flying bison have five stomachs, flat manatee-like tails, brown eyes, shaggy white fur, and a brown arrow that runs along their back from tail-tip to forehead. They have six legs with three toes on each foot. As they are primarily herbivores, flying bison have flat teeth shaped like peanuts, which are spread out on the roof and bottom of the mouth in groups of ten.   They have four transversal stripes running over their back and tail, which ends in a brown tip, though the ones Aang rediscovered after the Hundred Year War has a slightly different fur pattern with multiple brown stripes running down their backs, which doesn't end in a brown tip, and brown ears instead of white.   A fully-grown flying bison can easily weigh ten tons. The tail is dexterous enough to touch the middle of their back, even with quite a bit of force if necessary.

Growth Rate & Stages

A bison begins its life at a fraction of its adult size. Bison calves cannot fly, although quickly learn the skill within several weeks of being born.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Sky Bison use their ability to float to graze leaves from the tops of trees that other animals would not be able to reach. Their hardy constitutions allows them to eat prickly pine-cones and other vegetation as well.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Though fairly docile, flying bison can be fierce and powerful opponents if pressed or enraged, possessing great physical strength and airbending skills. Parents are also protective of their young, flightless offspring and will attack anyone who gets near them. However, if the person is on good terms with the bison, they are allowed to get close to the calves. These creatures are the main means of transportation for Air Nomads.


It is customary for young Air Nomads to choose a flying bison to be their lifelong companion. This tradition changed following the emergence of Air Nations, when the bison themselves chose their own lifelong companions. Airbenders use the command "yip-yip" to prompt their bison to take flight, with the association between the verbal cue and the action becoming apparent even prior to formal training of calves. To summon a bison from a distant location, it is possible to use a bison whistle, which emits a sound at a frequency inaudible to humans but clearly detectable for bison. It takes years for an individual to truly tame and train a bison.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

All flying bison employ airbending to fly, using their wide tails to steer through air currents and to defend themselves from attacks. They are also able to use their mouths to airbend. Flying bison use flight to graze from the top of trees. Since young flying bison are incapable of flight for a week or two after they are born, the adults of the herd will stay close to the ground during this time to protect them.   Flying bison possess a good memory, being able to remember locations and paths taken up to a few months.
Sky Bison
Scientific Name
Bison bonasus caelum
Conservation Status
This species is considered an holy animal by all nations, being protected by an international pact that forbids the hunt of holy animals by punishment of death

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Cover image: Avatar World by Martim Viana


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