Avata unbound Greenhallow Timeline
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The following timeline is given with dates based on the Elmaran Calendar (EC)

The Forming

4600000000 5101

The Forming of Greenhallow from the mote of dust from a creators eye, awash in tears, or so the Elmar believe.

  • -4600000000 BEC

    The Forming

    The Forming of Greenhallow from the mote of dust from a creators eye, awash in tears, or so the Elmar believe.

  • -4500000000 BEC

    -5100 BEC

    Greenhallow Is Born
    Geological / environmental event

    Greenhallow is born a wonder of Nature. Its molten center close to the surface, its rich soil ever renewing in fire, and its abundant water falling from the sky an ocean at a time, only to be shot back up in geyser. A green carpet of life covers every inch of the planet. Creatures, species, animals, beasts, birds and insects of countless variety fill the Great Forest.

The First Gardners

5100 1

  • -5100 BEC

    The Elmar
    Life, Birth

    The Elmar are the First Gardeners to rise up from the forest of unintelligent animals.

  • -1700 BEC

    Birth of Knowledge
    Life, Education

    The first learned creatures on Greenhallow to discover writing and basic mathmathics by learning to identify and warn of dangerous plants and species.

  • -200 BEC

    Beyond the Trees
    Scientific achievement

    Elmar apply their learnings to metalsmithing, stone masonry, and woodcraft to build tools, buildings and structures

Age of the Greentenders

0 4700

  • 0 EC

    The Domain of Nature
    Discovery, Scientific

    An Elmar named Ti'rolon discovers the Domain of Nature while tending his garden. His close observations of the garden proves to him that some force is at play in Greenhallow beyond physics. His tireless study of the Garden for half a century reveils to him a Pattern of forces he calls Greentending. Ti'rolon is the first of the world to use Greentending to shape the world.


    With Greentending and their master craftbuilders, the Elmar apply their trades and knowledge to build cities of exquisite beauty, size, and scale. The Elmar study deeply of the Natural Domain and its surrounding Domains , Space, Matter, Life, and Mass. They apply their leanings to great works and advances.

  • 3100 EC

    Life, Birth

    The Grootoosh are elevated above plant intelligence by an experimental form of Greentending from an Elmar Gardner. The Grootoosh slowly overtake the Elmar city of Ely, converting it into a Grove. Elmar learn to leave the Grove alone after many battles with the Grootoosh

  • 4700 EC

    Fall of the Elmar
    Geological / environmental event

    Stormfall lands the same season as the fall of the Elmar. The small Elmaran temple of Aztar becomes the Lanport of the Stormfall, rift to Talus.


4701 7031

  • 4701 EC

    Rite of Passage

    The Elmar civilization disappears over one season. All Elmar believed they had been called to Stormfall as their final rite of passage. They all elect to make the Pilgrimage. The nation of Elmar collectively enter the Malestrom of the Rift without the aid of the Black Company. Their fate is unknown, but none on Talus ever saw the Elmar arrive to shore.

    The few who ignored the call became known as the Elmari. Those that stayed were predisposed to overly protective and isolationist tendencies. Overtime the Elmar changed with limited interaction with the outside world, becoming Elmari. The Elmari are now the sheltered children of the Elmar, protected in their parent's home and unwilling to venture forth into the wilds.

  • 4953 EC

    Life, Birth

    The Baab-Kiki-Tril were born from a rare super clutch of eggs, where the Baab and Kiki birds become an interbreeding one mating season through a mixup of chemical signals. The Tril use their nest building skills to construct cities above the canopy. The Tril cultivate the canopy for seed producing plants

  • 5692 EC

    The Vike
    Life, Birth

    Vike, a previously curious but unintelligent species, arise as an intelligent race when they discover, by accident, the power of chemistry. Their first discovery was a poison that fending off predators. This advantage gave the Vike enough time to experiment with other combinations. Chemistry leads to crafting, tool building, and structural architecture. The Vike prove to be clever but reckless. Objects are built for effect and function, not longevity. The Vike as a people set out to borrow items from the Elmar, Tril, and even the Grootoosh to further their tinkering.

  • 6178 EC

    The First Chair
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The First Chair of Grootoosh, a title given to the Clipping who 'sits' on the Elmar throne in the former city of Ely, takes the Pilgrimage to Talus as an ambassador to the Talus Dominion. The First Chair is the first Pilgram awarded passage through the Black Company, and thus the first of Greenhallow to arrive at Talus.


    After the First Chair, many Vike, Baab-Kiki-Tril, Grootoosh, and even a few Elmari, have made the journey.

  • 7031 EC

    Present Day