Talus Settlement in Avata Unbound | World Anvil
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'All come to Talus once. Some come to Talus more. Few come to Talus always.' -Niddle the Idiot   This Rock. This heartless spire. This island city of Talus perched on the top of a lonely hill, within an unnamed sea, on a trackless planet, spinning through a barren universe. But for all this, Talus is the center of all things in the living lives of eight unique realities. Talus is the one place in the multiverse where peoples from distant Realities can meet, exchange things and ideas, and live side by side in both joy and misery.   Of those who stay, they live under the curse of the Rock, never to bear children on this island and never to be reborn when they die. For this, the price they pay, they are gifted with the pleasures of being a cog in the great wheel that turns the entire cosmos, for Talus is the Center of Everything.   The Black Ships sail between the here and now to the there and then, bringing back those whose soul ache to see a new everything. These wanderers amble into Talus confused and without perspective. Talus takes from them their innocence and returns to them their humility. There is great beauty in the breaking of a soul against the rocks of the Infinite. Those who survive are remade in the void and come to realize that Talus is the only place in the multiverse where they can glimpse the Godhead in its firmament.


There are seven bands of habitable land ringing the island city.  


The band along the coast of the island. Docks and warehouses are the primary fixture of this area as with the ever present smell of the ocean.  


A ring of merchants, traders, shops, and commerce. All things for sale on Talus are available in the Goldband.  


The residential band. Most Talusans life within one of the clusters of homes and inns within Grandview. Some even have taken to the skys in builds tall and sleek  

Blessed Circle

A ring dedicated to religious worship. Churches stand alter to alter with mosques, temples, synagogues, chapels, and holy places. As in all realities, the super rich of Talus have invaded this spiritual for their own secular needs, building their oversized homes beside the places of worship of the people they feel are beneath them literally and socially.  


Highwater rings Talus island with a much needed escape from the overpopulated realities of urban island life. Taverns, Bars, Clubs, Areans, Libraries, Theaters, Brothels, and all manner of entertainment can be found in highwater, were one to simply walk its streets for a moment. Be vigilant, for those same streets are home to others who pray on innocent Talusans just looking for a good time.  


Greenbraid is a marvel of nature. A band of thick forest grown on the bare rock of Talus by the Vertant Voice of Greenhallow as a gift to the Talusian residents. Trees tower above this lush greenery while vines, and brambles play beneath their protection. Greenbraid is a reminder of softer, natural things exist beyond the seas of Talus  


Centerhold is the zenith of this impossibly small island. It is the home of the latest ruling empire and the ten noble families around which all Talusian political drama orbits. It is also the only defendable part of Talus with high walls and battlements armed with inventive countermeasures against invasion.


Current Rule of Talus

Currently ruled by the Traskin Empire from Unbroken, a mega-corporation interested in Talus' unique trade opportunities.  

Former Rulers of Talus

Before the Traskins, Talus was ruled by the @Kaddarnuul Collective of Highwall for 600 years. Before the KadCol was the @Espiir from @Night Beyond Sky. Their rule was exactly 555 years long.

Industry & Trade

Talus is unique in all the Many-Realms in its stable trade between the eight Talusverse Realities. In so, the core Asset of Talus is as a port of destination for all travel across Realms. With that distinction comes the trade, information brokering, species trafficing, crime, knowledge exchange, and cultural melding that comes from many peoples intermixing in one place



By way of technology, Talus is a odd assortment of the need and the old, the advanced and the timeless. Situated as the trade port connecting eight separate worlds, each supporting vastly disparate technology levels, Talus is a bridge between many different times. A stall's vendor selling bio-computers powered on solar n-cells may argue with a tradesman selling fish oil lamps.  


As a whole, Talus is a pragmatic city build on available resources using reliable techniques that translate well between species. Stone is the material of choice, and short and simple is the building architecture of record for most dwellings. Notable exceptions exist on the island, mostly in the blessed circle or Centershold where large works of construction are seen. Recently, one builder has been using nanotechnology in the grandview ring to construct three tall towers of glass and iron for the residents to live in. These skyscrapers are architectural marvels but their reception by confused locals scared of change are a mixed bouquet. It is unlikely the Empire will allow another such tower to be constructed any time soon.  

Illegal Goods

Sure, they say the wildy advanced technology of Nights Beyond Sky or the purely destructive magics of Festen Valor are still embargoed. What makes it to port, it is claimed, are only the items safe enough for all realms to consume. The same talking heads deny a black market or any possibility of smuggling illegal goods into or out of Talus. How could it happen when the Black Ships control travel so completely?  


Ring Roads encircle the island at each of the seven Bands. Tie Roads connect these bands up or down to Bands higher or lower on the island.


Talus, City at the Center
Alternative Name(s)
City at the Center of Everything
Inhabitant Demonym
All intelligent races of the Talusverse, the eight universes connected to Talus
Owning Organization
Related Reports (Secondary)

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Aeon Age

250000000 0

An age before ages when powerful beings we know unreliably as the Aeons created Talus from the godstuff of a solar system identical to our own but in an entirely different reality.

  • -240000000 BT

    Aeon's Spark

    The Aeon Spark Jupiter in the Sol galaxy into a new Sun

  • -5000000 BT

    Europa warms
    Geological / environmental event

    Europa becomes a habitable planet, melting the miles thick ice to become a vast fresh water ocean.

  • -4000 BT

    Talus Rises
    Geological / environmental event

    Aeons raise an island on Europa and called it Talus

  • -3100 BT

    Life Transplanted
    Life, Birth

    Samples of freshwater life is relocated to Europa from Earth

  • -1200 BT

    Universes collide

    Aeons Rend the Reality in 8 directions, connecting it physically to 8 adjacent Realities. 7 planets and 1 moon (Ganymede) of the Sol system were projected into neighboring realities as anchor weights to hold the rends open. 8 different planets, one from each Reality, were moved into the Talus system to orbit Sol to counter balance this wieght. All inhabits of Earth in the Talus reality were killed in this process.

  • -5 BT

    Dreams and Portents
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Aeons begin contacting potential Travelers in dreams about traveling West to promised lands. In these dreams an idyllic member of their race or species spoke to them from atop the flat plateau of a hill crested island in the center of a vast sea. These dreams spoke of a shining city on this hill, named Talus, that would help unify everything under a common truth. The dreams carefully screened those that would be idealistically of the journey, the new home, and the shock of new people from a different world.

  • -1 BT

    Black Ships Dock
    Era beginning/end

    The Black Ships dock at 8 locations in 8 different Realities awaiting the Travelers for their pilgramage

Talus Rising

1 300

With the arrival of the First Families, the quixotic city of Talus is born. Those who arrived in this new Reality came as pioneers. As Pioneers, they too struggled early with the very land underneath them and the other settlers around them.

  • 1 AT

    Talus is Colonized

    The first Travelers from the 8 Realities boarded the Black Ships, traveling beyond their reality in the first ever cross-dimentional journey of all Time/Space. 80 people, 10 from each Reality. These are called the First Families of Talus. Building Supplies. medicine, food, tools, and animals are brought with each Family with the intention of building a new community. Any tools or technology more advanced than simple machinery were ‘lost’ in the journey. The Ships arrive at the bare island of Talus. The Families find they are not alone here but must share the island with 7 other strange groups. These became known as the First Families of Talus Forl of Armanis offers a piece of her tongue to all 80 members of the First Family. All may now speak a common language. Forl’s sacrifice leaves her mute.

  • 2 AT

    Promised Land
    Geological / environmental event

    A charismatic leader emerges named Remus from Pax Romana. He unites the families into one collective and they begin the task of creating a community. Remus sends Mouseling Crafted boats to conduct sailing expeditions around the island and into the sea. They find that the freshwater ocean is overflowing with life, but seemly without inhabitants or other land masses. Talus is blessed as a 'land' of plenty, a promised land, and a fresh start.

  • 8 AT

    Construction beginning/end

    A simple village is constructed by the First family using the technology and materials availabe to them, wood and stone. It is located at the top of the island and is named Centerhold, for the Center Must Hold for us to survive. The 8 First Houses are established in Centerhold.

  • 10 AT

    A Barren prison
    Discovery, Scientific

    It is determined, after countless trials and tests, that all genders of all races on Talus are infertile. All attempts at reproduction fail. Talus is considered a prison, a punishment, or a purgatory by some.

  • 14 AT

    A Hold Divided
    Civil action

    The houses divide between those that see Talus as a blessing and those who see it as a curse. The former call themselves the Remites. The later call themselves the Eth after a long forgotten bloodline in Festin Valor that came to mean The Damned.

  • 89 AT

    Black Ships Return

    The Black Ships arrive on the shore with a second wave of Travelers from the 8 Realities, this time bringing 800 people with fresh supplies from each of the 8 Realities. Those who arrive find two groups of people. The Remites are welcoming of them as newcomers to the island. The Eth are distrusting. The Eth attempt to seize a Black Ship. 12 of them are killed when the ship electrocutes them through its metal hull.

  • 90 AT

    A Shared Tongue
    Life, Relationship change

    Forl of Armanis offers a piece of her tongue to all 80 members of the First Family. All may now speak a common language. Forl’s sacrifice leaves her mute.

  • 95 AT

    Rise of Remus
    Political event

    A charasmatic leader emerges named Remus from Pax Romana. He unites the families into one collective and they begin the task of creating a community.   Mouseling Crafted boats to conduct saling expitions around the island and its sea. They find that the freshwater ocean is overflowing with life. Talus is blessed as a 'land' of plenty. Talus is praised by some as a promised land and a fresh start.

  • 102 AT

    It takes a Village
    Construction beginning/end

    A simple village is constructed by the First family using the technology and materials availabe to them, wood and stone. It is located at the top of the island and is named Centerhold, for the Center Must Hold for us to survive. The 8 First Houses are established in Centerhold.

  • 105 AT

    A Barren Island
    Plague / Epidemic

    It is determined that all genders of all races on Talus are infertile. All attempts at reproduction fail. Talus is considered a prison by many of the new community

  • 108 AT

    A House Divided

    The houses divide between those that see Talus as a blessing and those who see it as a punishment. The former call themselves the Remites. The later call themselves the Eth after a native word in Festin Valor believed to mean The Doomed.

  • 120 AT

    A Second Wave

    The Black Ships arrive on the shore with a second wave of Travelers from the 8 Realities, this time bringing 800 people with fresh supplies from each of the 8 Realities. Those who arrive find two groups of people. The Remites are welcoming of them as newcomers to the island. The Eth are distrusting. The Eth attempt to seize a Black Ship. 12 of them are killed when the ship electrocutes them through its metal hull.

  • 135 AT

    309 AT

    The Silver Age Begins
    Era beginning/end

    The 800 new travelers were organized by the Remites into the 8 original houses based on their reality of origin. As these newcomers were unrelated genetically, racially or even specially, to the original 8 families, the collective groups transformed from the First Families to the First Houses. These hold represent more of a inter-species inter-Relaity guild than a family of relatives. The First Houses change their names to reflect this new reality. First Houses of Talus     For the next 150 years, the Black Ships arrive each month to transport Talusites onto and off of the island. This allows families to be born and raised off-island and to return again. With the establishing of the First Houses and the return of some normality to the cycle of life, the Silver Age of Talus had begun.

  • 210 AT

    The Calamity

    A meteor explodes over Talus, showering the city in fine ash. A month later the Cursewardens are formed.

  • 235 AT

    Deep Beneath
    Discovery, Exploration

    The Eth retreat deep under the island. In their digging they discover a strange mineral that prolongs their life when ingested.

  • 236 AT

    Stillwater Era
    Disaster / Destruction

    The day that the Black Ships deposit the Dermo Empire on the shore of Talus was the last day they would be seen for 280 years. For the entire reign of Talus, the Dermo Empire would be cut off from their Reality, as was every other citizen of the city.

Era of Empire

300 980

The Era of Occupation by Empire

  • 310

    Era of Empire
    Era beginning/end

    In an unprecedented event, the Demro Empire of Highwall negotiates terms with the Aeons through dreams for an occupation of Talus. The Black Ships carry 500 soldiers from the Dermo Empire of Highwall  Tolus, sitll devoid of all defenses, falls to the Dermo Empire within 24 hours. Everyone in Talus was annexed into the Empire as subjects, to which taxes are collected and rules are enforced. This day was called Dermo Elevation day at the time. It is now called Dermo’s Folly

  • 311


    Diplomatic action

    The day after Dermo Elevation, the Black Ships stopped arriving. For 150 years, starting with the invasion of Talus, the Dermo Empire and all residents on the island, are stranded on Talus without escape. This horrific period of time is known as Stillwater. With the ships no longer coming, and the new empire in control, many citizens fell into despair.

  • 449

    Collapse of Demro Rule
    Military action

    The Dermo invasion collapses from lack of connection to their home reality as well as lack of new generations to replace the aging soldiers. Only the longest lived species on Talus survives the collapse of the Empire. The Eth seem to be unphased by the prolonged effect of Stillwater.

  • 467

    Stillwater Ends
    Cultural event

    On the last day of life of the last Demro occupant, the Black Ships return. The Stillwater ends with the collapse of the Demro Empire. Restricted Trade retruns to Talus. Ships take people and cargo to the island. Only cargo is taking away from the island. This creates a new form of Trade economy where Talus becomes a proxy power in negotiations communicated through letter writing sent by the Black Ships. It will remain this way for another 2000 years.   A few exceptions are made to allow travel from Talus to a Reality. These exceptions are made under a negotiated dream fugue. The most common exception is to raise a family off-island


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