Overview of The Talusverse in Avata Unbound | World Anvil
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Overview of The Talusverse

The Talusverse just one cluster of realities amidst The Multitude. What makes the Talusverse unique in all the multi universes are its interconnections.  The Talusverse is the only place in the Multitude known to have 8 stable universe spanning rifts connecting the Talus universe to its eight neighbors.    


The Origins of the Talusverse

  It is not widely known amongst the citizens of the Talusverse how it came to be that nine realities were linked.  Were they to learn the truth, they may not sleep well at night.  For the Talusverse is not a natural formation.  It was planned, architected, and constructed at tremendous effort by Extraplanar beings known as the Axioms.  And its ultimate goal is as sinister as it is secret.

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