Foxhole Forest Geographic Location in Avarel | World Anvil
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Foxhole Forest

Foxhole Forest is named after the many small caves and crevices that can be found in the hills that the forest grows on, as well as the abundance of foxes in the area. In fact, travel can be difficult when not using the Grey road since, in the plant covered forest floor, these crevices are difficult to spot. Many travellers have found themselves with their foot stuck between the moss-covered rocks or falling after taking a wrong step. The southern half of the forest consists mainly of plants and ordinary animals, only interrupted by the Grey road. The northern half, on the other hand, is highly magical, with magical creatures and plants abundant in the area. As a result, this part is far more dangerous, only the Greencloaks rangers venture here regularly. Technically, no one owns the forest, but in reality, the forest guard is the only organization that has a real claim on the area.


The forest is located on large hills, with great rocks littering the forest floor, covered in moss and other plant life. Two large rivers, the Are from the north and the Caris from the east run through the forest, only to meet in the south-west of the forest to Create the Mande.

Fauna & Flora

As its name suggests foxes are plentiful in the area, though there is plenty of other wildlife in the area. From Hares and Squirrels to the timberwolves and bears, as well as the many bird species that call the forest their home, plenty of life can be found among the trees, scrubs and rocks this forest is made of. The northern part of the forest is highly magical and is full of magical plants and animals. Most feared are the shadowwolf and the Grenar.

Natural Resources

the forest has a large number of resources available to those brave enough to go and find them, aside from timber fruit and nuts, as well as wild vegetables, there is plenty of game to be found. The northern parts have all kinds of magical plants and animals, parts of which are highly coveted by alchemists and mages throughout the world.
Forest, Temperate (Seasonal)
Included Locations
Owning Organization

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