Crossbreed Species in Avanteria | World Anvil
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"We know nothing of ourselves or our people, and yet, we are persecuted by those claiming to possess this knowledge. Why, then, won't they share it?"

The first crossbreeds are believed to have been born in the earliest years of the Age of Ash. Their conception is still a controversial topic among scholars even in the present day, with some ascribing them Dark-sourced origins and others speculating that they're the product of aether experiments and manipulation on pregnant women and their unborn offspring. With no definitive answers on their heritage and a limited breeding selection, many crossbreeds struggle with cultural integration and establishing an identity for themselves unless they're born and raised within a group made up of their particular feature-type.

Basic Information


"Feature-type" is a term used to refer to the primary animal category that a crossbreed is related to and consists of four archetypes - wolfen, feline, avian, and foxen.   Put succinctly - a wolfen crossbreed might possess the large, furry ears of a wolf along with a suitably fluffy tail. This applies to each of the archetypes and covers a wide variety of a possibilities. The most common physical characteristics of a crossbreed come in the aforementioned forms, with human ears always absent in lieu of an animal's. Tails are the second most common physical addition to a crossbreed's body, but they are not always present, especially in avian feature-types where wings oft prefer to form instead.

Genetics and Reproduction

Sexual reproduction amongst crossbreeds is identical to sexual reproduction amongst humans; however, there exists a plethora of derivatives across all feature-types. A crossbreed's specific derivative is formed within the mother's womb but does not necessarily match that of its parents'(I.E. Two "gray wolf" crossbreeds mating will produce a wolfen offspring, but the offspring is not guaranteed to be of the "gray wolf" derivative). This lack of consistency in reproduction heavily lends itself to the already highly-debated topic of how crossbreeds came to be and how their genetics work. Crossbreeds cannot produce offspring with other crossbreeds of a different feature-type, but mating between humans and crossbreeds have led to births resulting in a child possessing the feature-type of the pertinent parent. These interspecies relationships are considered taboo and are highly frowned upon by members of both species.

Growth Rate & Stages

The study and observance of crossbreed growth is an intentionally neglected field of research for fear of tampering with the Dark. Base assumptions and observations have concluded that the species' patterns of growth relate to a crossbreed's feature-type. Unlike the common fauna in which they are related to, crossbreeds age similarly to mortals. As such, their bestial attributes form appropriately with age. An example would be the wings of an avian feature-type - the primary devices belonging to wild birds - developing during childhood but remaining wholly cosmetic until the age of a typical mortal's period of puberty, during which time the attachments are expected to finish forming and to become of use to the creature.

Ecology and Habitats

A crossbreed can only truly thrive when both sides of themselves can be indulged, meaning that their ideal habitat is one in which their animal counterpart might flourish. This naturally leads wildlands-dwelling crossbreeds to form tribes made up exclusively of members sharing the same feature-type in appropriate regions and biomes.

Dietary Needs and Habits

One need only discern a crossbreed's feature-type to come to an accurate assumption about that individual's diet. It is not unheard of for civilized crossbreed's to adapt to a diet similar to those around them, but if allowed to eat freely they will veer toward a source of sustenance that aligns with the desires of their feral side.

Biological Cycle

Feature-type dependent, follows similar rules of growth to that of the crossbreed's animal counterpart.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The crossbreed population is spread too thinly across Avanteria for their kind to have any distinct hierarchy. If one sought answers they'd need to locate a crossbreed tribe and learn its ways. Going off of rumors and historical assumptions, it is believed that crossbreed tribes adhere to the societal rules of primitive groups, likely guided by an elder tribesman and relying on hunters and gatherers to sustain their settlements.

Average Intelligence

An average crossbreed's intelligence is akin to that of a typical human's, with survival and necessity resting at the forefront of all thoughts and anything further being regulated by environmental factors. Many crossbreeds live lives outside of modern civilizations and remain in close-knitted, oft times primitive tribes that allow them to foster their bestial instincts. Interacting with or integrating into modern societies almost certainly requires the subduing of a crossbreed's feral and animalistic side, and not all crossbreeds are willing to deny the connection with this part of themselves.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Crossbreeds frequently possess traits that one might expect from the animal that their feature-type relates to. An example would be a feline crossbreed with enhanced hearing and balance. These characteristics can - but do not always - carry over to a crossbreed's mental faculties as well, often putting them at odds with other species when there are civilities to be upheld that animal instincts end up overriding. It is indeed a double standard attributed to a widespread distaste for crossbreeds that spans much of Avanteria's land, and a spiteful hiss from a bitter feline crossbreed is far more likely to incite an intervention from the authorities than another species choosing to raise their voice in aggression.
Wolfen, Feline, Avian, Foxen
Feature-type dependent, 60-120 years
Average Height
Feature-type dependent
Average Weight
Feature-type dependent
Average Physique
Feature-type dependent

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Cover image: by Raven


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