The Direwood Geographic Location in Auros | World Anvil
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The Direwood


The Direwood is a sub regional forest of the greater Greenwood Forest. It is home to the direwood trees, the largest tree species by far on the continent of Auros. Direwood trees are coniferous trees reaching heights of over 600 ft tall and widths of up to 35-40 ft at the base. While the majority of the region is covered by direwoods, there are occasional groups of deciduous trees spread amongst the area.   The southwestern edges of the forest are bordered by rocky highlands and the small mountain range of north eastern Kragonar.

Fauna & Flora

The most iconic animal of the region is the Direwood Python. The Direwood Python can grow over 60 ft long and is known to wrap itself around the base of large direwood trees in wait for prey to ambush.They can also climb the trees in search of other climbing creatures or flying creatures that may be nesting high above.   Notable fauna:
  • Squirrel
  • Hedgehog
  • Lizard
  • Hare
  • Fox
  • Owl
  • Eagle
  • Deer
  • Wolf
  • Phoenix
  • Brown Bear
  • Direwood Python

Natural Resources

A special type of forest grain grows in the southwestern portion of The Direwood which is harvested for the widely renowned baked goods of the elves.   While the direwood trees provide excellent lumber if one can manage to safely harvest the massive trees, few have been cut down due to the aggressive conservation policies put in place and upheld by the elven nation of Aldore.

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