A Guide to Magic in Auros in Auros | World Anvil
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A Guide to Magic in Auros

In the universe Auros resides in, physics is nearly identical to ours with one major addition that allows for nearly endless and spectacular possibilities: mana. Mana is a special type of immaterial matter that can interact both with itself and with physical matter in numerous ways. Mana exists by default in a sort of extra dimensional plane and is spread evenly amongst all points in space. That is to say, the density per cubic unit of space is the same everywhere and mana exists infinitely in all directions at this same density.


Despite this default state of mana, it can be infinitely compressed and acts similarly to a fluid when perturbed. Some configurations of physical matter can store mana in this way, up to incredibly large amounts depending on the exact configuration of the physical matter. This is how creatures and objects are able to store, use, and interact with mana despite its default immaterial state.


Additionally, mana has three different basic "modes", which can interact in different fundamental ways with physical matter, and each have their pros and cons. These modes are referred to by the populace of Auros as arcane magic, life magic, and chaos magic.


Arcane: Arcane is the default mode of mana. Most magic users will only ever use this type of magic. Arcane magic is the most versatile type of magic, and can be used effectively to create temporary physical matter (summoned weapons, barriers, etc), modify temperature (firebolts, frostbolts, etc), and interact with physics in simple ways (basic forces, wind, light, etc). In terms of power output it sits half way between the other two types of magic, but offers relatively easy control and precision with its effects.


Life: Life magic is an alternate type of magic that requires more study and practice to use due to the default state of mana being arcane in nearly all creatures. It is less powerful than arcane magic but is very stable and interacts very positively with biological matter. It is usually the safest and most effective way to heal or beneficially manipulate biology. It is associated with the magical subtypes of nature magic, holy magic, and other similar beneficial magic.


Chaos: Like life magic, using chaos magic requires more extensive study and practice than arcane magic. It is by far the most powerful type of magic, but lacks stability on its own and is very hard to control. It is best used for spells requiring very large power output or upkeep, such as reality distortion or necromancy (or mind control as it appears in the campaign, which works very similarly to necromancy). Aesthetically, it is often associated with dark and demonic magic, but when combined with the control of arcane magic can be quite useful for less taboo things such as teleportation and farsight.


It is best to think about each mode of magic as more of a tool than a requirement for performing certain types of spells. Any of the above can be used for any type of spell, but using life magic for example to distort reality and teleport would be absurdly inefficient and probably require more mana than any one individual has. You would also be hardpressed to heal significant damage to an individual with chaos magic due to its instability and higher chance of causing its own damage. It is more than powerful enough to do so however, but would require incredible precision with magic. The most talented and powerful magic users across the universe would be adept at using and mixing all types of magics to accomplish the goals of their spells. But it also requires a lifetime or more of practice as well as significant magical power to achieve such mastery, so the average person would find much more success in specializing in one or two types of magic.

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