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The Shattered Plains

"... and beyond that, the Shattered Plains, a desert of glass like no other. In the few hours a day (if any) the sun penetrates the canvas coated in stirring stars, the light fractures off of the shards of glass in a myriad of blinding glimmers. They say there is never even wind there. Its so silent that when one speaks the sound is practically absorbed into the air. Eerie as no other place on earth. Explorers say that sanity starts to wonder, lost out there in the shards."   The plains are a flat expanse of glass. A hostile, chaotic jungle of breathtaking crystal coated in a web of cracks with towering paper thin shards piercing the open sky over the cracked ground. Grains of sand float across the smooth surfaces almost convincing you that soft sigh and gentle ringing in your ears isn't your mind trying fill the desperate stillness as the dead air hangs around you. During the rare (due to the northerly location) occurrence of daylight the heat billows around and the air trembles slightly, further distorting the glass twisted images and reflections   The Patua Tribe, who used to make a great migration once a decade across this shattered plain, believed that in ancient times the land was one single sheet of flawless crystal, which over time was fractured and damaged, leaving the once smooth mirror, a hazardous, arid wasteland. Very little lives in this barren flat, aside from Giant Northboard Eagles who make their nests their in autumn. But even they only use it as a safe place for their young and have to scavenge and hunt elsewhere. Beneath the surface the only living thing is wireweed, a stringy plant that is tough as rope and seems to manage to live no matter what the inhospitable place throughs at it. The glass itself varies from rough heavy blocks crushing the surface of the ground to crystal beads rolling silently to and fro as though in a breeze.

Fauna & Flora

The only animal known to live or even visit the plains is the Giant Northboard Eagle who make it's nests in late summer. But even they only use it as a safe place for their young and have to scavenge and hunt elsewhere.   Beneath the surface the only living thing is wireweed, a stringy plant that is tough as rope and seems to manage to live no matter what the inhospitable place throughs at it

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