Elf Species in Aurkim | World Anvil
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Basic Information


Elves are humanoid. They have a much lighter skeletal structure than most humanoids, including an angular, narrow skull, and are genetically lither and nimbler than humans. Their musculature is streamlined for quick, nimble movement. The most famous elven trait is their pointed ears, a trait common to the fey species.

Genetics and Reproduction

The typical elven gestation period is 300 days.

Growth Rate & Stages

Elven growth over their lifespan is a fascinating thing. In their infancy( roughly birth to one year old), the elf is practically helpless. Their bodies are tiny and fragile, but their minds are still incredibly bright. From the age of one until their early twenties, they mature much like a human adolescent. However, upon reaching young adulthood, their physical body slows growth to an infinitesimal rate. Their minds continue to grow, but their bodies stay in a state of graceful, elegant, attractive young adulthood from the age of roughly twenty-one to roughly seven hundred. When only a few decades of life remain, the elf's body begins to age once more. Their skin gently wrinkles and their hair silvers, but they still only look like an attractive human in their 50s.

Ecology and Habitats

Most elves prefer to live in forests, but this is not universal.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

Elves are on average slightly smarter than humans.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Elves have naturally better hearing and smell than humans. They are capable of seeing extremely well in the dark, though colors fade for them once they are relying on their night vision.
Scientific Name
Faerum Alfus
750 years
Average Height
4'8" - 6'2"
Average Weight
92-180 lbs
Geographic Distribution

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