The Infernal Council of Ishvalen Organization in Auriga | World Anvil
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The Infernal Council of Ishvalen

The Ishvalen or dubbed the Infernals from their Elven neighbors. Are a collection of races that live and operate in the Mourning Ashlands of Central planes of the Summerwild. Migrating to the Ashlands after the Long Winter and the destruction of the Human Kingdom.   To most they are considered, fiends, devils, monsters to those ignorant of their ways. the Ishvalen often use that assumption to their advantage, boasting a vastly different field of ethics and customs that are simply alien to those who are outsiders.   They view the expansion and of the Dynasty to be abhorrent and invasive. While they do trade with their jade blooded neighbors and many become traders and skilled merchants and the occasional wanderer can be seen in Dynasty territory, they are often met with suspicion and prejudice. That's how some of the Ishvalen like it.   It is rumored that the Infernal Council operates on another world outside of Auriga that they make their home. Rumors of a city of many doors, a city of brass that allows the elusive Ishvalen people a means of navigating wherever they please in Auriga, or any other plane of existence.

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