Elves Children of The Stars Species in Auriga | World Anvil
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Elves Children of The Stars

Despite their humanlike appearance, that is where the comparison ends. Elves was a term dubbed by the humans and became a normal word in Common. In the Elvish language the word Elf translates to Ren, though they sometimes refer to themselves as Aeon or in elvish translates to Starborn. The origin of the Ren species they claim to come from another world, mythology states that the Ren fled their home on Ships that sail on solar waves of the stars.    They arrived on Auriga or Dawn's Beauty in the Elvish language, in doing so they found a home even older than they are, they found their "fathers" the Nameless, the precursors and original lord of the stars and heavens.   The physiology of Elves are quite a bizarre study. They have a highly adaptable cellular structure and much like a tree can adapt to its given environment. And the tree comparison is not too far off as the age of Elves is even more incredible. While Humans can replenish its cells to a certain point and then the body will eventually stop repairing itself and die of old age, the elven body seems to actually grow stronger with age and some don't even believe that they can die of old age, usually other causes are what typically happens so the knowledge of how long their lifespan actually is seems to be a well guarded secret.   The Ilboren(Ilborn = High or Heavenly Ren = Elf) The Ilbornren are said to be as close to the original ancestors that came from the stars, even then these too had adapted and changed to fit their home in Auriga. As it stands most of their home continent of Ilborndan has been closed off from outsiders. For thousands of years the Elves enjoyed their island to themselves and fought off anyone who dared try to walk in their home. It was quite a shock and disturbance for the very traditionalist society of the Ilboren when a branch of them left the island to mix with the other races and forge the Jade Dynasty. There are tensions between the Dynasty and the High Elves of Ilborndan.     Because of the adaptability of their physique, there are different variations from the base "High Elf"     The Ikaren(Ikar = Dark, Ren = Elf)   The origin of this subspecies is quite tragic. In the early history of the Elves, an expedition was made to explore the mysterious volcanic islands to the Northern hemisphere which would now be known as Ikardan. The group found an ancient Nameless ruin and inside were infected by a strange and deadly disease that was released from the deep caverns.   This disease should have killed the entire expedition team, but due to the long life of the Elves they did not succumb to the disease, but their natural adaptability caused them to fuse to the disease that was afflicting them. The Dark Elf was born. These Ikaren had conquered a disease that would have killed most who came in contact with it, but this one changed them forever. Their eyes have a sensitivity from the natural rays of Auriga's sun, inducing headaches and blurring of their vision. The trade off is the species now had an incredible adjustment to darkness. They skin changed from gold to as dark as obsidian or gray like ash.   This single change to the elves altered their culture, they found comfort in the ashy volcanic home that afflicted them, they found strength in their new found weakness and their culture thrived in a very progressive and different way.   The Quaren( Qua = Sea, Ren = Elf)   The Quaren were developed when a great Sea Elder Dragon sunk a high elven island. But instead of killing them, the Elder Dragon preserved this group and the adaptability of the elves changed to allow them to breathe water. Their skin changed from golden to green. These Elves since then revere the Elder Dragon Ceadeus who they owe the protection from their long rivalry with the Sahuagin.   “We were cast out by our own. Forced to live in the below. Had we a choice we’d have taken to the air. Instead we entered into the blue depths. And what reception did we receive there? Anger, hostility and vitriolic diplomacy. We had to forge our own space. Adapt. Adjust. Conquer. And that is what we did. Now, we have forged our rightful place as leaders of this watery universe. Now, we are recognized for what we are: better than anyone else.”
  • Thegalin Genemis, 10th Empress of the Quaren Concord
  • The great split happened in the distant past, so distant that many elves refuse to even acknowledge it ever happened. Some claim it was the wood elves who split into two factions, those forsaking their more natural existences in pursuit of knowledge, astral dust, and refinement of spirit. Yet others claim it was the high elves who split, fractured upon ideological lines. What is certain though is that millennia ago, the first elves to enter into the oceans were not welcomed by the aquatic races already there. Each inch of ocean territory gained was fought for. When the elves found places thought uninhabited, a clawnfane colony would be discovered, or ancient sharkhaan hunting grounds suddenly revealed. The only solution was to avoid territory all together. Using their most powerful of bio energy, the elves transformed their bodies, twisting and reshaping their forms to better suit life under the water. And yet, try as they might, there was still a yearning for the forests and the bright shine of the stars. A solution presented itself, floating city islands, capable of allowing the aquatic elves, as they’d been termed by the others, of walking on land under the stars but also living below the surface, in the blue depths of the ocean. Now, after centuries of refinement, the Quaren have become part of the oceans of the world. Able to live in both environments, they have brought with them the sophistication of the high elves, the passion of the wood elves, and the unpredictable nature of the oceans to the aquatic world. Masters of their domain, the other races of the seas had to learn to adapt to these interlopers. Indeed, it seems impossible to imagine an ocean without the Quaren and their floating city islands. Massive cities hang beneath the large mobile islands, with classic elven architecture, and frequently have a city built atop them too, though less opulent than those beneath. Ruled over by the elder council, all Quaren are pledged to support one another, and although distances between Assawa, the aquatic cities, may be huge, communication, support, and allegiance is strong. Quaren have three genders, Mara, Satra, and Eoasta. An unusual side effect of the magic they used to transform their bodies. Mara is the more masculine and Satra the more feminine, and the Eoasta are androgynous. An Eoasta is required in order for a Mara and Satra to have children. The Eoasta carries the child to term, and acts as the main caregiver while the other parents act as instructors. Bonds are usually formed between all three for life.     Ayleiren (Aylei = To be Wild or Wood, Ren = Elf)   These elves are known to be wild and one with nature, they are mysterious in their culture and even more unknown then their High Elven brothers. They are said to have their homeland in the deep thick jungles of Seonguk. The nature of their transformation and adaptation has made them blend into their natural thick wooded regions. It is said they can interact with nature and alter and bend the growth, even bonding with the trees themselves.   They are feared for their cannibalistic rituals and their terrifying hit and run tactics.     There are more subspecies to find in Auriga, but these make up the most common in the far East of the Summerwild.

    Additional Information

    Perception and Sensory Capabilities

    All Ren have a natural attunement to darkness. It is said their elongated ears allow them to focus their senses and their internal balance allowing them to see even into pitch black darkness.

    Civilization and Culture

    Beauty Ideals

    The longer and pointer the ear the more attractive an Elf is seen by another.

    Gender Ideals

    In family circles the mother is often seen as the family head. While the man is expected to serve the people in general.

    Common Etiquette Rules

    Elves highly value the weight of someones name. So a question "What is your name?" Is actually a serious question and often will result in a Elf to not just say its name but its family name or even recount some of the deeds or titles that they have done.

    Common Taboos

    At dinner it is considered disgraceful to eat before the oldest reclining at the table.


    Culturally one thing Elves of all subspecies have in common is their obsessive view of life. A sick dying Elf is not to be left to die in peace. Rather they are taken and preserved to extract the knowledge. To an Elf it is exceptionally wasteful to lose knowledge. The long lived species cannot allow hundreds of years of experience to go wasted and will often do their best to keep enemy elves as prisoners and the dying will spend their last moments sharing what they know or will be forcibly taken from them.   As a result perfection is a natural goal of a long lived species, often Elves will try many things until one thing captures their passion, then they will work and dedicate themselves to the perfection of that passion before changing to something else.   This can make the elves culturally very difficult to deal with diplomatically for a shorter lived species. After all are they accepting this offer because they like us? Or will they use this deal against us 200 years later ending our civilization? Are they forming a new city district to welcome foreigners a way to produce an alliance? Or encourage the breeding of Half Elves that can bolster their armies?   The fact that Elves are so long lived means that their way of thinking makes them very alien to deal with, and for the Elves can they be blamed? From their prospective it is completely expected and normal to make the best use of their time and to plan appropriately for their futures. And some conflicts don't need attention, after all they will die long before they do something truly lasting. That is the way of the Elves.

    Historical Figures

    Syunyu Shen the Jade Emperor

    Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

    Half Elves are the result of birthing between an Elf and another species. This was a common way for the Elves to bolster their armies before war. Mixed breeding is much faster than a pure blooded relationship.   One interesting fact is due to the adaptability of elven physiology the child is almost 90 percent likely to resemble an elf no matter the compatible species.

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