Naja Nigricollis Organization in Auricaana | World Anvil
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Naja Nigricollis

The Naja Nigricollis are a somewhat secret band of Nigricollis yuan-ti, which was founded after the Cold War with the Crotalus yuan-ti ended. It is a small unit consisting of always 21 members spread around different areas and disciplines, such as politics, defense, and several guilds.   The Naja Nigricollis are a group which seeks to find and dismember the lasting relics and weaponry which were created by the Nigricollis tribe during the Cold War. They operate by gathering information on the whereabouts of such relics, each member in their own field, and then making plans on how to retrieve said relics. After they are retrieved, the members transport them to the Technological Advamcements Lab in the Nigricollis Tribe, where they are carefully dismantled and destroyed forever, and are sure to never be able to harm anybody ever again.
Founding Date
708 P.C.
Secret, Military

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