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982 of the 4th Era of 'Open eyes'

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Aurian a semi-realistic late medieval Fantasy world, proper world explanation pending.   In a nutshell large culturally and scientifically advanced to more that of a late renaissance but due to a lack of steam power or gunpowder leaves technology to seem more medieval/renaissance though pushed to the limits of what is possible.   Magic is a debated topic on the current timeline of the intellectuals of the world if it is real or a myth? Sources indicate it could have been real and the stories of people lost in the woods and such and is though to be real to common people but never really confirmed.   The current basic geography or Aurian is major powers or alliances around the Tanar sea and the largest city in the known world Tanar lying on an archipelago somewhat to the centre of the sea.   In the current era/date (TBC) many of the states are rising in power or falling are in constant contest for power, lands, trade routes etc. With all states having varying government types, cultures and religions.   A better intro is coming once I get my ducks in a row as I currently have a million bits of info in my head and need to sought what is where and on paper...or the screen.

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