Dimos Choraknos Character in Aurelia | World Anvil
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Dimos Choraknos

Son of Lambros Dimos Choraknos

Born in the village hamlet of Argos across the bay of Brynhaven on the island of Aeolys. Dimos is the son of a former Mercenary hoplite Lambros.   Lambros never saw Dimos grow into the man he is, he left when Dimos was only two years old, called to the island of Erebusia to fight the shadow entities. When he came back in the year 3241SP he wasn't the same, Lambros contracted some fell disease and died the following year, only aged 37. He left Dimos his helmet the black crescent a sign of the myrmidon order he served.   So Dimos was raised by his mother and the local community, always helping the locals. Pulling the plow on the fields, helping the local blacksmith, or tending to the life stock. Yet the got a noble upbringing a true Pythorian could wish for. His mother Tallia made sure the Dragma Lambos earned with his final appointment were put to the education of Dimos.   Dimos never liked the school, he rather went into the village and helped the ordinary folk   During his early years in the royal college of Solhaven, Dimos took an interest in the military curriculum, the leading of combat units, and the study of the classic shield wall formation, but being the only one of the student to think the tactic outdated and would rather use small detachments of specialist fight groups. To the great irritation of the teachers of the academy.   But in the year 3559SP Dimos his world was turned upside down when a skirmish unit of the Dominum Olympus attacked the hamlet of Argos, in the early hours of the day they came upon the village with no remorse. Probably to test the defense of Aeolys as Argos lies opposite the well-known village of Brynhaven.   It is during this conflict the village of Argos is burned to the ground, and our Dimos .... he was still in the capitol buried in books if only he was home to fight the sons of bitches.   Luckily his mother survived she hid in the cellar, which was constructed for this occasion specifically thanks to Lambros.   Dimos vowed on that day to no longer be studying but to take up his father's mantle as the mercenary for hire. an old contact was to point him in the right direction.   So here we are the morning of some month in the year 3560SP, with his father's horse 'Roshan' saddled and ready to go Dimos rides off towards his first hiring.


Family Ties

Lambros former Mercenary captain (Deased 3243SP) Tallia

Deadly & Stoic but pure of heart

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Honorary & Occupational Titles
Son of Lambros the Slayer of Grosham peak
Date of Birth
3537 SP
Argos on the Isle of Aeolys
Current Residence
The wild
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Sun kissed
78 KG | 172Lbs

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We have Landed at Beryl, Unt yetz ???

Along the way to Mystic Haven Dimos encountered two young farmers going about their business,. half the farm has been burned down. Only rode for 4 hours Dimos thinks this is the fallout of the recent raid of the iron tusks.   After dismounting and approaching the two farmhands Dimos introduced himself ‘Good day fellows’ what are you lads doing in this field filled with ash, it seemed that the poor lads were the sons of the old farmer ‘Likos’ who indeed fell in the burning of the farmstead. Aketes and Nikotes shared some of their wine with Dimos, As the day came to an end Dimos started a fire and the brothers bought out a bit of meat to roast above the campfire.   During dinner, Dimos sharded the story of the Dragon hound and the quest into the Fate Weavers temple. The brothers were amazed at how such a ‘normal’ guy could experience that. They wished it was in store for them…… well well said Dimos I am starting a mercenary company ‘The Myrmidons’ if you guys want you can tag along I can't promise you will come home, and when you guys do you won't be the same. The boys packed what little stuff they had and could carry Aketes picked Likos's spear and his aegis shield and Nikotes got his old hunting bow and they followed Dimos towards Mystic Haven……   The way towards Mystic Haven was quite easy; the whole trip from Beryl took 3 days, counting the first night at the farm. After arriving at the harbor it surprised Dimos that there weren’t half as many ships as he had hoped for… after doing a round across the harbor it happened he missed them there was a storm a couple days ago (the same as aboard the Iron tusk ship) and a lot of ships chose to stay at harbor and not risk the weather. So most of the merchants were late to their normal schedules.   The three decided to split up and cover the harbor in search of a ship, fast forward 6 hours and a couple of drinks in the tavern there Nikotes heard something about an old brig the ‘’Egglayer’’ Seemingly two moons ago there was on an old ship that came into the harbor badly damaged because un unforeseen storm in with it also lost half its cargo and crew, Nikotes forwarded this news to Dimos.   The next morning the three set out to this ship, in the back of the harbour was where the three found the ‘’Egglayer’’ and her captain or owner or well an individual who seemed quite stressed. Upon closing in he was not stressed about the ship's cargo or crew but money.   The individual was a woman Selene, and the ‘Egglayer’ was her husband's ship as the ship laid docked the harbour master expected the woman to pay the anchor fee, but as almost the whole crew ran off or died in the storm itn't be moved…… only Berimos and Andro were left of the original crew. Full of desperation Selene asked Dimos, if you can move the ship you can have it. The foul thing only makes me grieve for my husband and I won’t pay for it as it isn’t sea-worthy at all. So Dimos agreed to find a crew.   Hey Berimos, ANDRO what are you guys up to? Fancy to continue serving on ‘the Egglayer’? What else are we supposed to do, but to be fair the last trip was my first one Berimos confessed it would have been my third Andro said. Well, it's better than complete rookies Andro what do we need to get this ship out of the harbour and towards Beryl…… 10 men and some limber Andro replied well we have the 5 of us. Give me an hour 5 guys and some timber won't be difficult to find… and it wasn’t   Was it cheap no, one gold piece for 5 guys and three days of service and 5 silver for some damm timber but well two days and she could be able to make it to Beryl there we will make the full repair and restore her …… but not with this name. According to Berimos the name ‘Egglayer’ came from the father of the old captain, as he was a chicken farmer his starting fortune was made laying eggs…… well the ship will rise from this sorry state to be the first ship of ‘the Myrmidons’ As a Phoenix, it will be reborn…… It will be named The Black Phoenix as black as the Myrmidons and reborn from her past life.   In the Morrow the group set sail creaking and tearing the Phoenix made some unholy sound on the waves, it was that there was no other way to get the ship back to Beryl, we will make it Dimos thought to himself.   One day following the coast line the small hamlet of Beryl came onto the horizon, BRACE FOR LANDING Andro screamed and the Phoenix teared its way into the beachy sand of Beryl.   Dimos paid the 5 ship hands their due, and offered Berimos, Andro, and the brothers a glass of wine at Myrmidon HQ, after two drinks okay maybe three there came the story of the wolfhound again…… As Andro had most sea hours under his belt Dimos asked what would the cost be for a young captain as the Phoenix needs a captain. Well let's first patch here up we won’t be going anywhere far in this sorry state.   Aye, I will stay Berimos said you need someone to keep an eye on Andro, and where do I have to go to if not on the BLACK phoenix, Dimos you have yourself a deal. Now let's get to work Andro! first Captain of the Myrmidons. Manners, much work must be done. But that needs to be done in the morrow so time for bed I see you guys in the morning Dimos said as he closed the door of his sleeping quarter.


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